I Miss Splinter

So he’s a full on liar (this time through proxies) in addition to being an anti-vaxxer, conspiracy theorist, and anti-semite?  Not much of a leap I suppose.

For oh so many reasons, “self-driving” cars should be banned, period. They are a menace to public safety.

So, the County of Maui, who issued this statement, is now the *US government*? I recognize that Maui is in the US, so please don’t go there.

Hey! Dildos are humble but dedicated objects which bring harmless pleasure to many, which in my book means that they contribute much more to society than obscenely rich post-human wealth vacuums.

Strawman.  Not the same situation by a country mile.

So I don’t know what you’re talking about specifically, but Vietnam and Iraq/Afghanistan isn’t remotely the same as a Special Ops team kicking in the door of some MAGA jack off idiot.

Do these dipshits that “dare” the police or military to take their guns realize they wouldn’t last five minutes if this actually happened?


People need to stop sitting at home on Election Day.

Apply to hood of car.

No, Tesla has the data and computing power to properly calculate a proper current usage based range estimate so I will say that choosing to not do so is lying. 

Maybe just ignore this story. It’s deeply undignified to consider this news.

The district even spent $199,000 on hiring AlphaRoute

Learn the difference between definitions and descriptions of use.

Is “Emma Keates” what you’re calling AI now? 

Have you SEEN a NASCAR audience before?

The word you’re looking for is “figuratively”. 

Dictionaries reflect the way people use words; they are not authorities that dictate how a word gets to be used. Using the word ‘literally’ to mean ‘not literally’ robs us of the ability to express an important concept, no matter if enough people do it to result in it appearing in the dictionary or not. So I’m all in

It warns and if you act on the warning it resets the timer and if you do not put your hands on the wheel then autopilot disengages”

That’s the stupidest thing i’ve ever seen. (See! No literally needed!)