I Miss Splinter

Tesla isn’t a car company.

From the convention authority:

Well it’s designed to carry 4500 people per hour (32k per day) and have achieved that already

But sometimes freeze thaw cycles mean that there is a layer of ice of the roof or hood that will not come off without scraping.

What about seniors and the disabled who can drive but are unable to fully scrape the ice and brush all the snow from their vehicle?

The coalition between Kleptofascists and White Supremacists holds until they win power then their different objectives become obvious. In western countries with a low birthrate it’s impossible for racial purity and business profitability to be simultaneously achieved. It’s not the 1930's.

Is it Elon’s ‘thing’ now to strike a dopey pose for any photo op?

Let’s go write another “we hate Tesla” article to get some more clicks.

Musk isn’t smart about technology. He’s just a marketing guy.

the robotaxi isn’t equipped with functionality for someone to take the wheel remotely

That’s called changing time zones, which is stupid. Standard time is the correct time, Daylight time the modified time. The only way this works if is it’s permanent standard time.

Good. Nobody deserves that much money for anything.

I really love what the designers were trying to do with Cybertruck, it’s really interesting design.

Right-click on the image you want to post and pick copy image. Then just paste it into the comment box.

I wish we could go back to those times.

Before you know it, F1 will be racing on oval tracks

I don’t come here for the writers’expressions of their preferred ideologies.