I Miss Splinter

“At no point during the competition was Mark knocked unconscious. That never happened,”

This isn’t surprising, since quack “Dr.” Drew is an anti-vaxxer himself.

Most of these can be said about many, many jobs.

Stop replying to trolls, people. Replying to them gives them attention, which is what they want. Don’t reply to them, dismiss their replies to you.

I only clicked because I wanted to know what that was in the lead photo.

I’m not surprised at all. Crazy person is crazy.

Just don’t pay to see it. Nobody should financially support this movie.

There was “never” a chance that the movie wasn’t going to come out as a consequence of the firestorm surrounding Miller.

Wasn’t she a drunken mess for several years? I’d think that would be what killed her career.

Dismiss your troll LuckySharp.

Look, I voted for Biden

Now, criticism of the DNC’s decision to not schedule debates with other Democratic candidates like Marianne Williamson and RFK Jr. has been vocalized on the left, as well

Her toddler children will be only attending “woke college” over her “dead body.”

Next time read the article before commenting.

Good. Rot in hell, fucker.

Dismiss your troll LuckySharp.

Sue everybody remotely involved. Sue the state, sue the hospitals, sue the doctors.

I’ve never understood playing the national anthem at any & every sporting event. If Team USA isn’t playing, then neither should the national anthem.

Eating contests are dangerous, disgusting & wasteful.

Christy Carlson Romano