I Miss Splinter

A huge number of performers don’t watch their own performances, more than most people think. This isn’t new, and it isn’t news.

Those people can’t be ignored because 1) some of them are the ones making the argument in cases before courts and part of a judge’s job is considering arguments fairly brought before them, nor ignoring them

Is it just that you think being pro-choice should be the default, and anyone who disagrees is too political to be a judge?

Many people think it SHOULDN’T simply be between a woman and her doctor, that’s the whole point. For many people that it’s a “relatively simple medical procedure” is entirely beside the point.

Including this comment, 4 out of the 6 comments on this article are from well-known trolls. What is the purpose of not removing their comments?

God isn’t real. Eat whatever you want.

My parents know who Mr. Beast is, that means nothing. Our parents aren’t arbiters of whose famous.

How is he any less of a celebrity than someone like Kim Kardashian?

Don’t Let Republicans Normalize 6-Week Abortion Bans!

I conceal carry every day

Biggest name on YouTube isn’t as big a deal as you might think it is. It really only means anything to other YouTubers.

Lemon didn’t say Haley was past her prime. Google did.

Dear god, this was the worst episode in the worst season of what is, on its best day, a middling series.

It seems vaguely insulting to give a squid-faced person a Lovecraft-sounding name

Speaking of Nate, his story remains the most heartbreaking in the larger Ted Lasso universe.

Lemon needed to go a long time ago. He’s a bad journalist and a bad person.

I know this piece of 100% bullshit because Bari Weiss is involved.

Musk was a huge proponent of AI for years, then OpenAI refused to make him CEO. It’s the only reason why he’s against it now.

why can’t a celebrity promote something?

You shouldn’t be allowed to switch parties until you’re running for re-election. This is a giant fuck you to everyone who voted for her, thinking they were electing a Democrat and not a selfish asshole.