I'm Out Like a Trout, Gawker

Wow that's a large rig! I find getting to speed on freeway onramps sketchy enough in my W123 (in LA), I can't imagine trying to merge in that thing

Arstechnica recently did their December 2011 system build guide. Three price points with a set of "you can't go wrong with these components" list for each. Check out the budget box for a sure-fire newegg shopping list with no research needed.

OTOH, you have a separate warranty and process for every component in your system, whereas with a Dell or similar, you just call and they send a part or tech to replace it. Different strokes.

I have a 300D turbo (5-cyl w/ turbo), and recently drove a 240D NA (4-cyl NA), and I can say there is a world of difference between the two. Also, my car is in good running shape and I take it to a shop that specializes in these cars, and the techs have told me mine is one of the faster ones they've driven

couldn't this be dangerous on a track, causing glare to other drivers?


any way to confirm? i was about to use it to send a >2gb file, but now it seems unclear if free accounts can do this or not..

Mildly amused.

Well that didn't last long, Quick Snap is now $0.99, only 8pm PST. I guess their new found exposure caused them to have a change of heart. Also, I wonder about how much data they will suck from your phone and sell, since their app is mainly marketed in the app store as a way to get quick upskirt shots of girls whose

thanks, will check it out. i actually only use it for group chat, not even voice, so it should be fine. thanks!

agreed, precision driving is what the Stig is for. Clarkson makes it look so fun.

wow, you aren't kidding, and all of them have different versions, to boot. looks nice, but no thanks.

can you tell us some reasons you prefer it so highly over VLC? I'm still using VLC (mostly out of habit and it works fine), but curious what makes PotPlayer so much better. I am willing to switch, but curious what PotPlayer does so much better than VLC. Thanks

Interesting, that's what I recall too. I remember it being extremely gritty stuff.

i bet drivers in MI are a lot better in the snow than in many other areas where they are not used to it!

Anyone know is Quake can run under this? I know the code is open sourced but not sure how that all works.

Agreed, this person sounds like a classic narcissist. Unfortunately a lot of hiring folks are like this. They are jaded from all the garbage applicants they get (woefully under-qualified, wasting time), that they can't even bother with someone whose resume isn't an exact, laser-focused facsimile of the position

oh my. heaven forbid that you get any of it on your paint. that stuff is extremely abrasive. i'd imagine it could even scratch the glass...

can I still use 2.8? if I dl it from oldversion.com, will it at least work? I know sometimes old versions dont work with their protocol correctly. but i am sick of skype taking up the whole screen on my mac.

FYI, the skype home thing was finally made an "option" in an update to the windows client. you should be able to download the new version and check the option for it not to show up. it doesnt come up on my win7 box any more.