I'm Out Like a Trout, Gawker

same here, please do a comparison!

Subaru WRX hatch. And not without good reason. They are practical (AWD, hatch, roof rack) and fun. Also, an interesting technical leaning (AWD, turbo, boxer). I wouldn't mind owning one. Seems like a very common ride for IT guys.

I've done change of address through USPS a few times and make absolutely certain to NOT check anything for offers, and I still get TONS of junk mail with my name and new address for area business, etc. And I am a renter, so no public records databases are providing this info.

And as an added bonus you will get a metric sh!t TON of junk mail for years afterwards! Soooo worth it for a coupon!

Now that tech is mainstream, people who like using their iPad consider themselves tech geeks.

Evo Forum:


Why, because he made a mistake? Drivers of other cars don't ever make a mistake? You haven't ever made one? Seems like the guy did the most non-asshat thing possible, he f'ing sprinted across the land to save that shit before it crashed into traffic.

Wash them with other items but don't use fabric softener, and if you dry them, don't use dryer sheets. Better to air dry them. The main thing is don't use a ton of detergent or they'll get un-absorbent over time.

Where do Jalops think the Audi A3 falls on this spectrum? Hatch or wagon?

You will learn 1000x more about these so-called "beater" cars by reading and searching comments on Jalopnik.

These apps are more geared towards fixing your own cocktails. And anyone truly serious about drinking will be doing that a fair amount as well, no?

You should use the "return to sender", or just strike their name out and write "RTS - doesn't live here" in big red letters on the envelope. It won't affect your normal mail because the post office doesn't do anything with the info, they simply return the letter to sender, and the sender will (theoretically) remove

i used DMAChoice and it did help cut down on junk mail. I used it probably a year ago now and definitely notice much less junk.

What happens when there is more than one Youtube tab open?

I have been using TabCloud on all my browsers. It lets you save and sync groups of tabs for later.

I used Soluto for a while about 6 months or so ago. It really screwed up my system. I started getting freezing and crashing on boot, as Soluto was trying to start some applications a few minutes after system startup, and when I uninstalled Soluto, my system failed to boot at all, I ended up having to restore the OS.

if only they'd fix the iOS version so it doesn't crash every 10 minutes...

meh, just figured it was time for a change. This ostrich is a drinker no more.

Is that stock exhaust? That little boxer 4-banger sounds quite nice.