I'm Out Like a Trout, Gawker

yeah i know, i was suggesting that he use meth to be more productive. in jest.

Have you tried meth?

I tried the Connectify student offer a few weeks back, multiple times, and I simply never got an email to my student account. I had my gf try the same, using her student email account, and it never came either. I should add that the addresses are both at completely different institutions, and we both checked our

Since when is doing airline and hotel searches to do price comparisons "hacking"???

And who knows how much other data they are scraping off your phone if you install the app. Sorry but a free phone call is not worth it. At least use RingShuffle for disposable numbers, sure they can steal data off your phone too, but they aren't already known to be a sketchy entity.

I would actually suggest my method for dealing with the CD's - just rip them to ISO and dump on your storage location. Never look back.

If you are trying to burn fat, the best time for rigorous cardio is right away in the morning, before eating anything. Maybe just some juice for a bit of instantly available blood sugar, but no food. Protein right afterwards though.

You missed the best palindrome of all, and incidentally the answer to most questions: "race car"



Guess what else is nice with the new version? It has ads. It claims if you have Skype credit, you don't see ads, but guess what else? YOU DO. I have Skype credit (just logged into their web page to confirm), but in the iOS app, it shows $0 credit, and shows ads.

Since we're talking about archiving your most important documents in your life here, why would you just dump them into a (free) third-party service? Do you really want to put all your trust into that when the IRS does an audit and wants documents from six years ago? Was Evernote around six years ago? Will it be

If you are getting into brewing craft coffee, here is an easy and cheap method to make delicious pourover drip coffee. It's a great way to take it to the next level from standard auto-drip pots - simple and cheap. Also, a cheap kitchen scale helps a TON.

I'm pretty sure that misaligned partition means you store data chunks across two disk sectors, so when your computer says "give me chunk 3456", it has to pull it off two sectors since it spans them. This would double your data access, meaning the drive memory sectors wear out quicker (SSD's do have a finite life,

At least around here (SoCal), they have gone up dramatically in price. Not as high as a nice E30, but still much higher than what you'd expect for a 70's japanese sedan. They've become quite popular among some groups of car enthusiasts and modders, which makes finding unmolested ones even more difficult and

You can also look at Denon's website, the $400 price point gets you a very good receiver now with Audyssey and HDMI upconverting. Check out the AVS forum thread that shows comparison of the 2012 models and a breakdown of exactly what you get bumping from one model to the next.

run the other way. Not only will it be a huge PITA to fix (if possible at all) but wireless speakers just don't compare to regular wired loudspeakers. I'd pass unless you're really really wanting wireless, and even then, you are probably better off just buying a newer better product.

It's a valid idea, but I do actually have the whole Office 2011 suite installed.

It doesn't appear that this feature is in Office 2011 for Mac. Anyone know if it exists and I'm just not seeing it?

I think it might depend on the version, I am not going to go look it up right now, but iirc, the 32-bit version fits on a 4GB and the 64-bit does not.