I'm Out Like a Trout, Gawker

But clearly we have evolved this way for good reason?

beautiful car. so much style and character. thanks!

what car is that?

AdBlock Plus, same extension the article is about, will block all those ads with no extra config required.

What was the last version that didn't have the gigantic contact list window? Do you know where I can find it to download? I want to downgrade back to that version.

Thanks for the info! That is helpful. I have asked my tax accountant and he basically said it's mired in gray area and not really worth it (not a homeowner, so standard deduction usually). And it also can prompt audits, so not worth the risk of being in that nightmare either. Maybe in 20 years when the IRS catches

It's worked for me a few times. Other things you can try (none guaranteed) is putting down your sidestand (supposed to create more contact to the sensor maybe?), and leaning the bike over as far as you can without dropping it, to get as much metal mass as low as possible to the sensor.

Any full-time telecommuters take a deduction for a second bedroom in their rental apartment as an office? Curious how that works.

I'm wondering the same thing. Or even full time, which state collects the income taxes? And, what state would you file for unemployment if you were laid off?

Oh hai. I may not have armor or big offroad tires, but I am indestructible, will run for 500k miles or more, am cheap and easy to maintain, and can fire my cylinders on just about any combustible liquid. I will still be here and chugging along after even the cockroaches are gone.

Anyone know a keyboard shortcut to go to the login window? That is essentially the "lock" screen. Someone else posted cmd-opt-eject, but that puts it to sleep mode.

I have an Apple TV 2 that I jailbroke with greenpois0n a while ago on iOS 4.2. At some point the device updated to iOS 4.3 and didn't work correctly in the update. Now I have tried to restore my Apple TV 2 in iTunes manually using both the latest and the older version of the OS, but both of them say "that version

You seriously have that many AT&T, T-Mo, and Sprint devices all active right now!? Wow.

Often my Macbook Pro will have issues shutting down. I always assume it's a service hanging on the shutdown, and sometimes it takes like 10 mins to shut down, other times it won't at all (have to hold power button).

how do one or the other differ (or are the same) as a dirigible?

He probably had to keep the blimp under control for the others to jump, and knew the blimp would immediately rise and go out of control, maybe he'd try to keep it from going down on a populated area

Another often overlooked product of poor stress management are manifestations of other harmful behavior that directly impacts your physical and mental health even more. These are often in the form of coping strategies, such as binge eating, drinking, etc.

if you read the pdf linked for each field, you will see it breaks it down into more specific areas like, programming, development, network administration, etc.

Yeah, my bad, that's exactly what I was confusing it with. But, definitely hot water will create clearer ice cubes for the reason you stated.

Quick synopsis: