I'm Out Like a Trout, Gawker

Honestly, I think RSS readers can compound the problem. It's too easy to just throw another feed into it here and there, and pretty soon you feel like you are managing it like a todo list that keeps piling on.

LOL, just loaded the front page of Hype Machine and Lady Gaga was near the top. Granted, it was a remix, but still...

But why does he have three belly buttons?? (second pic)

you could also consider creating an encrypted file lockbox (FileVault in OS X, forget Windows programs that do it), and store that to Dropbox, then store your kdbx file inside it. That way it's an encrypted file, stored inside an encrypted file on your dropbox. seems extremely safe that way. only issue is, no easy

That's what I was thinking, also wouldn't that explain his obsessing over his foot? I seem to recall The Beetis can cause you to lose feeling in your extremities.

Am I reading this wrong? How do you have non-jailbroken iPhone with free tethering hot spot? Please tell!

Raoul Duke: Where did you get this stuff?!

image fail once again

somehow i STILL get a belly laugh when I see that guy. couldn't have picked a better place to shop him in. Good day, sir.

It's a praying mantis bluetooth logo

There is a limit to the amount of containers, you can only bring what you can fit into one 1-quart ziploc bag.

most people. are you saying they are soooo passe?

Anyone know what the best analogue to this is on iOS? I have been looking at a few apps, but they all seem to be pros/cons...

Was going to say Miata, but of course that's already taken, so this. Also it's shaped like a penis, but somehow did not make this list, even though E46 somehow did: [jalopnik.com]

would love to see either of those created by HBO!!

he left the site to pursue his comedy site instead, splitsider.com

well the book is awesome, if you haven't read it, check it out: george r.r. martin also the trailers are on youtube and apple, trailer looks great too

another thing i wish OS X had (maybe it does but it's not obvious) is launching a file with a single keystroke from the Finder. space bar will launch it in Preview, and enter / return will just select the name for renaming. is there a way to just have it open like if you hit enter on a file in windows?

And the current time is finally showing on the guide!! So annoying that it currently does not.

yeah, maybe add to this a suggestion to put heavier objects on the outside and move the lighter objects to the middle.