I'm Out Like a Trout, Gawker

yep, that's what i was going to suggest too. just copy the section you want, paste it right back in excel and select "values" and it will only bring over the actual text value content you see in each cell.

clever, i'm going to remember this one, will come in handy

Q: How many Texans does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Anyone know where Patrick Bateman was during these crimes? Just sayin'...

Me too!! I test drove a CB-1 once and it was fantastic, but didn't purchase it as at the time I wanted something to do longer distances, and that bike was certainly not the tool for that. That 400cc I4 was so fun to wring out though! Handled like a bicycle. Big grin on my face after that test ride.

Do what I did - call their local distribution center, speak to a manager, and issue a complaint. You can even do this from their 800-number and it will get routed to the local distr manager, who will call you back for details.

you could purchase a kill-a-watt, which can be had for like $18, and provides hours of nerdy fun to boot!

it's one of the least tacky interiors i've seen on a modern MB in a long time... seems most of their interiors now have so many materials and chrome trim that my head spins..

Thanks, that did help.

sure, but for a "swiss army knife" car, shouldn't touring comfort at least be a component? some trade-off of performance/handling for using it as a daily driver / zombie apocalypse-mobile...

what year(s)? looking to replace my old Forester, that car might be the ticket...

And what about the springbreak.mtv.com URL being flashed on the screen? Nobody who would be in any way affiliated with MTV knew about the internet for a good 'nother eight years or so...

What specific steps do I have to take in Xcode 3? I installed it, but can't seem to find where to enable the iPad as a device that it sees. Note, I did not install the iOS SDK, just Xcode, do I need to go back and install the iOS SDK for this feature to work?

No certainly not... Definitely looking forward to the day that we can stream 1080p high-bitrate and lossless 5- or 7-channel audio... but i'd rather that be in place BEFORE we moving away from discs. And by then, we will probably be buying 1440p TV's and those will have some new media format ;)

Now playing

The Ford Pinto has a pretty infamous achilles heel, err, ass. Tap it from behind, and you win much explosion fire!

Here's what's different about it.

Or at the least just make it an option, a simple check box or something, Include DVD Queue, or Don't Include DVD Queue.

That front end looks like a Norelco razor