I'm Out Like a Trout, Gawker

too garlic-y!


Maybe someone just shot Marvin in the face right before that.

My humps, my humps, my lovely monster humps.

Well, he is British. His name could also be Alexander Chufflewumper or Alistair Brownwompington.

i knew that name sounded familiar for some reason!

Ahh yes. Mr. Blurrycam strikes again. Funny that people go on vacation and return with hundreds of beautiful crisp photos, even with cell phones, but when they go to snap that shot of the mythical beast of (insert region here), it's a blurry grainy crap photo.

they also screwed up the feedburner links from RSS feeds. If you click the article title in RSS feed the feedburner part of the URL is now in the middle of the link instead of at the end. The "more" button still seeems to use the old format though. so now i cant use Unburner extension in firefox or Chrome, it just

a thousand times yes! i really really want a slightly larger screen, maybe 3.8 or 4.0 would be great.

This is a great article, even for iPhone users who aren't switching, there's a lot of good info that many iPhone users probably don't know about.

Well, at least she now has a shovel with which to dig her car out...

Yes! same reason i've always gravitated towards electronic music as well. it takes you away. i love classical music too.

Word. I used to ride a TON, but after numerous things similar to this video have happened to my riding friends, my bike sits in the garage mostly now. Just too many clueless idiots on the roads. And, even non-clueless-idiots make the occasional driving mistake, which can be deadly when you're not surrounded by a


@Settings: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

@Red: What I was thinking.

@rjdub: LA metro is a big place. there are beautiful parts, and shitty parts. areas where people are cool and genuine, and areas where people are not.

@Zinger314: THEY sure think so... humping the dream...