I'm Out Like a Trout, Gawker

@Ben Zvan: maybe it's just me, but this currently trend of writers and commenters on gawker sites of adding "-er" to all adjectives is starting to really annoy me. it just doesnt seem cute or witty at all.

@kdupree: they haven't announced yet if that will be the case on their iphone data plans though. i wouldnt be surprised if they're not unlim, esp with the wifi tether

@Panhardrod: wow, awesome trivia about that car. i'm going to try to catch the owner outside sometime when i'm out walking and strike up a chat with him.

@Panhardrod: another shot of the same one i saw, of the gaping whale mouth!

@Panhardrod: Saw this the other day in my neighborhood (in Long Beach), I think it's the same car, but not a shooting brake?

@DrunkenOstrich: Had to throw in my runner up. 1984 Toyota Corolla 5MT. 225k on the clock and drove it to the junkyard as the new clutch it needed costed way more than the car was worth by then (2000) and the frame and underbelly was pretty much rusted through. Cheap and reliable FTW.

2003 Forester XS. Mine is identical to one pictured. I know most people think it's ugly and boring (and they're kind of right), but the quirky look has grown on me, and the utility of this car can't be beat. Cops don't look twice at it.

@rjdub: oh man, i totally SPACED that one!

@rjdub: While I think it's cool, I seem to be having a hard time with it. Why is it an astronaut?

@blum0108: I never said it works. Just relaying a story. BUT OMG SOMEONE ON THE INTERNET MIGHT BE WRONG

@Keith Whistler: great so they will remove the deuterium but will be adding lead and melamine

about 10 years ago my aunt knew a guy with cancer in his back. he was really in bad shape, and the chemo was killing him. started going to a chinese doctor who practiced eastern medicine and light water was kind of the basis for the whole thing, including accupuncture etc.

@Eriamjh: I think part of the issue here is not only that it's a speed trap, but the fines they are throwing on people are way disproportionate with the crime being committed. They are basically using these as honeypots to line their coffers, and also discriminating against people from out of town or out of state and

@shrinkwrap7: If you get at least the Sandy Bridge with the HD 3000 GPU on it, it should be better than most laptop discrete GPU's in last gen notebooks. AnandTech has an awesome review of the Sandy Bridge CPU's and GPU's on them.

@∞Gïmmï∞Mørgäikkøŋëŋ∞: personally i prefer something small and lightweight since i move frequently and live in small apartments. i hate big heavy cumbersome objects.

Now playing

Just don't ride the drunk ones. Let them ride you.

Hey you live right by the UCB! I go there fairly frequently. Great little area on Franklin. Cheers.