I'm Out Like a Trout, Gawker

@Irishman — AARGH!: sure looks to me like this video was made intentionally... i dont think the crashing part was intentional though. i think he just meant to drift around the guy pissing.


nothing new. that is a spot where photogs sit every day to sell photos to drivers and motorcyclists, so that causes this idiotic behavior. there are hundreds of people crashing on the snake.

got a sucky knick-knack from a coworker from World Market. went to return it, only assumed i'd get store credit as i had no receipt. they said store credit only as expected, and said i needed to give them my driver's license so they can take down the driver's license number and demographics info "for verification

@VYCanisMajoris: thanks a lot, now there's coffee all over my monitor!

@Ryan: someone i work with had their car stolen in L.A. and used as a "date car" for prostitutes for a few days. They recovered the car and there were used condoms all in the back seat.

@BoscoH: You mean, how a car thief stole someone's car and ruined some people's christmas?

@pranthin8or: yeah, it can be fun, but only when you want to enjoy it. when it is dictating everything you do, causing lots of disruption and inconvenience, car accidents, etc, then it becomes a big pain. also, when there is snow, it is really COLD!

@VYCanisMajoris: oh man, the regret he will feel in 10 years is astounding

Brain cancer, it's a Christmas miracle!

not quite sure why, but these give me definite wood

360-degree interactive view of the concorde cockpit: [www.nms.ac.uk]

You could already do this, they just added the video feature. I was using it all the time, its nicer than draining your battery on your iPad or iPhone if your Mac is sitting on in the other room anyway. Still lets you control from the couch.

@Panhardrod: where does the term "dime wagon" come from?

@duurtlang: First thing I thought too, this guy looks just like assange!

@shenka: almost everyone i know that uses an iphone

well that was really cool. i kept hoping they'd slow down the editing so i could watch the cat's POV more, like when it's climbing trees and hanging out on the roof and such. but still was very fun to watch.