I'm Out Like a Trout, Gawker

@Ding-Dang: It's a girl. You should watch the movie, it's awesome. I hear the books are good too :)

@technologiq: I've done this too. works really well with amaretto as well. and Tia Maria whipped cream works great on chocolate or coffee deserts.

@nothingreal: oh man, skull of a drifter is heart-worthy for sure. LOL

@\m/ chaosphere \m/: Proper margarita is hardly a shit drink. The classic way to make a margarita:

Well, at least they are putting out new hatchback designs. The market was pretty devoid of them for a long time.

@ckcallen: edit, google answered me.

I once found a parked car that was running. It was at a large place with a ton of people, no way to find out whose it was.

LA Times did a whole feature article on how people in China use Ikea, not just for sleeping, hanging out, but as a family outing, place for weddings, etc. It's a popular spot for photographing yourself and friends at a "destination"

How deep?

Interstellar baller status

@nathan_alexander: dude, you are 17, you are SO close to being able to get out of the house and not being able to be stifled about who you are any more. The next 8 months or whatever will fly by... One last final push, you're almost there!

maybe Hulu "floated" this rumor to do a little market research...

to be fair he was referring to tiny little netbooks with underpowered atom proc's and no gpu, mini-cramped keyboard, etc. even the small one here has 1366x768 display, full size keyboard, core 2 duo, and nvidia gpu. not in the same league as say a dell mini 9

@FlameCell: stock photos available for purchase and use

although it looks like he got up and walked around with no problem, i guarantee you he was one hurting unit the next day. shock and adrenaline mask all sorts of stuff in the first few minutes after something like that. I bet his whole body feels like a train hit him tomorrow.

Hövding? So this will be sold at Ikea then?

@Mr. Black: FM transmitters work like trash if you live anywhere that is even moderately populated. The FCC restricts the output so much that even very distant channels will make it all static, and bleed from strong stations onto other frequencies does the same.