
I heard Rachel Bloom and Aileen Brosch McKenna (the creators, writers, and in Bloom’s case the star of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend) on some podcast or radio show discussing diversity in television. They basically said that if you don’t specify that a character is supposed to be non-white, casting agents will just

Especially for a movie whose premise is literally “children from around the world who are peculiar are gathered onto an island for their own protection”. I read the book and as far as I remember all the characters were described as white and European, but there’s zero reason that had to be the case.

“huh, this was great, except it was a little too diverse.”

Food. I had a similar situation with stray kittens at my workplace. By day 3 or 4 they came running when I approached.

eta: days 1 & 2 were me leaving food and then fucking off when it became clear they wouldn’t come out for the food until I was gone.

Right?! I was thinking of getting an automatic feeder but the big floof is always stealing food out of the brown floofs bowl so like I feel like if I got two auto feeders for them it would be chaos and every feeding time a different one wouldnt end up eating.

I think she declared bankruptcy on the weight gain clause--it’s called “business.”

No one’s as irrationally confident in their looks as fat white dudes. Like, they’re always the loudest critics of other people’s looks, particularly women’s.

The day that I can read the news without having to come across the name Donald Trump will be one of the happiest days of my life.

He took a vodka drink, he took a whiskey drink, he took all the drinks

He’s gonna put a sign on the White House that says “NO GURLZ ALLOWD” or “COOTIE-FREE ZONE” or something.

Sources have claimed that he takes “prescription diet pills” (amphetimines). That might explain his claim of only sleeping a couple hours a night, his late night ranting Tweets and his claim of having loads and loads of stamina. Cocaine would fit that profile as well.

How can Trump make America white again when he can’t even stop Machado from becoming a citizen and voting against him? What a fat loser he is!

I regret that I have but one star to give for this comment.

“I know the most words. The best words. Beautiful words. Yuge words. I have a list of eleventeen generals that have endorsed my words. I know more words than you.”

Sex chapters and ENDESS minute descriptions of what every character was wearing in every scene. I DON’T CARE THAT ANITA’S TOP MATCHED HER SNEAKERS, CAN WE JUST START KILLING VAMPIRES?

In Pride and Prejudice, it seems that the whole book is about the sexual tension between Darcy and Elizabeth. The people got all obsessed about balls and dancing because it was the only socially acceptable way to touch a person of the opposite sex.