
The ones born by Cesarean can come out looking like little dolls. The ones who have to punch and kick their way out of the vagina definitely look like potatoes with sloped heads. 

Because dude didn’t say “I know people have lots of reasons to get married, but it’s not for me - the benefits outweigh the costs as far as I’m concerned.” He said “it’s just a stupid piece of paper that won’t protect you.”

Dusty Rose sounds like a lipstick shade.

it’s frowned upon

Oh, I totally get that for some people living together is more than enough. But for some of us that need clear boundaries, marriage provides some kind of blueprint for life with signficant other. Not saying either party is doing it right, just that for some people it does have some meaning other than the legal perks

It’s obviously more than just a fucking word, because you refuse to do it. Also, you know what’s probably easier than hiring an attorney and doing a bunch of paperwork? Just getting married at the courhouse :)

Yet they are far easier and often less legally murky with a marriage.

Hahahaha. Oh hell. You’re right and that’s laughable and sad at the same time.

They’re pretty sure he’s a Mooslim.

Marriage is about compromise.

The only one that doesn’t look like that to me is the rainbow-flag thing.

I don’t get the second-rate sarcasm. The question was polite and honest. What’s wrong on asking if beneath the social commentary, the game’s actually fun to play?

Ocean’s 14: Divorced Dad Hangout

Makes sense, she can’t stay with someone for too long. Otherwise they start asking questions about how she never ages and needs permission to enter people’s homes.

A really good teacher knows that respect for students is the foundation of good teaching.

I agree with the sentiment, but am also amused that it comes from someone with your username.

no sorry it’s not just sassy it’s abusive. and sexual and fucking weird and unacceptable in most jobs much less with teens. i loved a good sassy teacher who would call you out on your shit, but this is beyond that.

I teach special Ed and there are times the kids try my patience but I would never talk to them this way. It’s not professional and disrespectful to them. I have to be the adult.

Nah, this is uncool. I teach freshmen and I wouldn’t talk to them like this because it’s unprofessional. I’m all for talking like a pirate (esp today) but outside the classroom.