That’s literally all anyone who goes to a Planned Parenthood ever does.
That’s literally all anyone who goes to a Planned Parenthood ever does.
I don’t disagree with your point, but I respectfully disagree with your distaste for the term “flattering.” Shouldn’t we all strive to look our best? Is shows that we respect ourselves and those around us. The thing is, “flattering” doesn’t have to mean “appear slimmer.” It just means enhancing your beauty-innner and…
A fucking white button down that doesn’t immediately pop open at my boobs.
My cat can open any door by standing on two legs and jiggling the handle. It is frightening and impressive.
I, for one, welcome our new cat overlords.
It’s the Danish “Ben Folds Five.”
That one that looks like Nathan from South Park sings like an angel that feeds solely on butterflies. Also I simply must appreciate anyone who has it written into a contract that his record company can’t tell him to stop dressing like a slob.
According to the AP, the initial blast “sounded like lightning”
Oh thank god. I mean this rocket blowing up is bad, but if it were the one they wanted to reuse, that would set back the dream of reusable rockets quite a bit, which would set back the idea of cheap(er) space travel as well.
this bums me out so much. I WANT SPACE PROGRAMS TO SUCCEED!!
Demo costs money, so does disposal. It’s almost like people buying the old wood is a better way to go about it than leaving dangerous ramshackle building standing or something, but what do I know. Better to cut down more trees.
Hay typically.
Yeah I just had this like, really sad feeling the other day about how I am sick of obsessing about being “in shape” after 3 kids I am the fattest I have ever been and I don t need anyone telling me I’m “not fat” because I know I am at this point... I just had this thought likei want to go to a therapist or maybe a…
Can we build a wall that prevents Trump and Rudy from returning to the US? I'm sure there are some contractors he's screwed out of money that'd do it for free.
yes but I hate running. hate it with a passion. like if a bear started to chase me I’d be like, ok bear you win bc I cannot and will not run.
Do you really not understand the fascination with the assistants/chefs/trainers? I haven’t read anyone here saying that it’s impossible for them to work out and eat well. I’m a former really-in shape person, and a currently not-totally out of shape person. I recognize that it’s all about priorities and that as I have…
Yeah ditto back at you.
Let me stop you right there.
I know this is a lost cause and I should not reply to you but for fucks fucking sake what makes you think that I don’t know how to exercise? I was a D1 college athlete I have spent years of my life as a svelte hulk who could run a six minute mile after doing sprint workouts for two straight hours and who ate raw…