
Right, but a pic of a breastfeeding mom violates the terms. *facepalm*

I left Facebook actually reluctantly and I honestly think my life is better without it. I live away from friends and family and I thought Facebook was keeping me connected to them but it wasn’t. Now I have to make an effort to call, text or email those friends I care about andthat actually connects me more to them

I am fascinated to see how this plays out. Everything I’ve read suggests that Murdoch’s sons, one in particular, are fairly liberal. Will they decide to go in a more liberal direction, especially since Fox’s average viewer is like 70+? But as it stands Fox is able to differentiate themselves from CNN, MSNBC, et. all.

remember TMZ has everything on everyone.

He wouldn't dare leia hand on her.

The Repubs applauded Michelle’s words out of Melania’s mouth and pretend they’re “just words.”

Or that Clinton doesn’t care about the middle class when Trump has explicitly said that he cares about making money for himself. He has said it hinted or sort of tried to articulate that he can use his “business knowledge” to “make us win” but he has never actually done anything or even promised anything concrete to

It’s always funny to me that Clinton is considered dishonest but Trump has said so many things that turn out to be not true or false. Hm.

I’m kind of distressed that stars who are my age are looking like hotter versions of someone’s parents. Of course the vast majority of my friends are someone’s parents. And I’m doing auntie car pool duty two days this week because my best friend is sick.

I’ve always said that they are two people on Earth genuinely perfect for each other. I don’t doubt for two seconds that they sincerely love each other. Maybe not as much as they love themselves, but close.

They sure do have a lot in common. They both love themselves more than anything.

Her and Peter Dinklage.

I have an unusually keen ear for celebrity voices. I wish there was a game show.

Agreed. To me, this wasn’t meant to parallel real-world racism, at least not one-to-one. Predators aren’t the “black people” of Zootopia. It’s more of a general critique of prejudice and how everyone has to work together to diminish it.

Frankly, by the movie’s end, I’m much more concerned about the chumminess between

Also Donnie Darko isn’t as good as people think it is.

I forgot how awesome this song really is. Original or GTFO.

I don’t know, aggravated burglary is pretty bad. Stalking (in many states) doesn’t necessarily involve any kind of violence or even physical contact, whereas burglary (in many states) is breaking into someone’s home with the intent to commit a felony (like, for example, rape, kidnapping, or murder) therein. As long as

I’m lazy, so my studio bed is a simple box spring and mattress. I do occasionally sanity check my closets and showers, though, and my parents’ basement still makes me slightly wary.

Gunter was arrested and charged with aggravated burglary, as well as lesser charges for violations of the restraining order and stalking.

That’s why I pack all kinds of random shit under there, I tell everyone that it’s because I’m a slob, but really it’s so nobody can fit in there.