
Sorry, this was a bad reply. But I agree with you! And I’m very sick of movies and TV shows and even, like, advertisements that profess to condemn something while directly and explicitly contributing to that thing they’re saying they condemn!

I am so here for this and the Center Stage remake. MOAR DANCE MOVIES!

I’m still hoping for an epic musical fueled by polka. It can be called “Half-Step Up.”

Yeah, I’m a major Batman nerd, so I wasn’t happy about what I’d seen and heard of BvS.

It’s not like someone broke into the museum and carved David into a chick.

It kills me that rape culture and a wider issue of misogyny not only leads to these events, but then prevents or hinders men like these bikers to appropriately express their feelings, too (i.e. “men don’t cry!). Sexism hurts everyone.

My brother stopped a rape in progress in Chicago in the 90s. He heard the victim crying and he stopped the bastard who’d attacked her. Punched the guy out and waited until the cops showed up. Later he testified at the trial. He barely talked about it but it really, really affected him. He wanted to kill that guy. It

Violence against women scars men too but men are expected to bottle it up and often times it eats away at them.

I have a friend who stopped a sexual assault, and he says it’s a difficult thing to for him to deal with (though far less difficult than for the actual victim, of course). While he knows he did the right thing and did the best he could, he just wishes so badly that he could have entered the room just a few minutes

In the dark. As they rode by. They see the activity behind the dumpster. Something seems wrong about it to them. They turn back to investigate. They intervene. They call for help. They hold the perpetrator until the authorities arrive. They provide eyewitness testimony. They don’t seek the limelight, in fact they shun

Normal expected everyday behavior would be not raping/being raped.

That’s what I’m thinking. But it’s also too easy to assume, as a white person, that all spaces belong to me. Some don’t - and that’s okay - and I want to acknowledge and respect the boundaries of spaces that aren’t meant for me. There’s not always a clear line (at least, I can’t always see a clear line) between

My cousin did the same time in Oklahoma for 2 oz of weed and a DUI prior.

Yeah, no. I’m sorry, but I don’t and won’t accept that. When my kid slapped another child in school, I could understand that she was provoked, but I still punished her and told her I thought the school’s punishment was too lenient.

No. His father can - unlike most of us - feel genuine sorrow that his son will have to suffer (deserved) punishment. But as a member of the human race - he should not be excusing or minimising his son’s offence

My Dad loved me to pieces, but if I committed a terrible crime I’m pretty sure he would have thought I deserved just punishment.

It’s not actually understandable. If my kid raped someone I would not be on their side. I would be angry and devastated and sure I’d fucked up majorly.

My parents love me. They will love me no matter what. They would come visit me in jail. They would not defend me raping somebody.