

Last time I went to a club this guy lectured my friends and I because apparently he’d been watching us all night and every time rando dudes came up behind us, we “ran away”. Sorry I’m shifting away from gropers. During his speech, another guy came up, put his arm around me tightly and asked if I wanted a beer. If he


I ♥️ You. People need to recognize space between them and me.

Yes. I would absolutely wear it. I am presently wearing this. And we don't nave to fight because after we Nuke ourselves tonight, I will be all snugly in what remains of your second best slipper.

“Lost my temper.” BULLSHIT. This was predetermined. He brought that knife to meet her.

What on earth do you mean by a hard no on Son of Zorn?! I actually laughed out loud like three times from that trailer. Anyone who grew up in the 80s with shows like He-man, She-ra, Thundarr, etc. are probably going to wallow in nostalgia and laugh their butt off in that show. I’m all in for that ridiculous piece of

Props to Wood’s mom for having good instincts. No parent would intentionally make the wrong choice, but I’m proud she made the right one when not everyone did.

How is it cowardly? If he names individuals, he will get sued, or worse. He’s doing what he can with the platform that he has.

The name “seasonique” makes me think of a fake drug, which reminds me of the scene in 30 Rock where Avery Jessup is scheduling her one period a year.

He has no right exposing the victims who confided in him. And by naming a perp, it is almost certain the victim(s) will be exposed.

On the other hand, by putting this out there, anyone who is willing to name names knows that this guy will likely back them up, and it goes from there. I really hope this is the start of a conversation, not a single standalone statement.

He says that he wasn’t abused, though, so it’s hearsay. There are two possible scenarios here:

That sucks. I know when I got it, the gyno told me it was only some percentage of women who lost their period entirely, so I just got lucky I guess.

I’d be ok with them interviewing him if they were going to hold his feet to fire a little. Push him on his flimsy excuses and point out the fallacies in his bullshit spiel - like the comment about soccer moms - and I’m down. But a soft touch bit giving him free rein to whine about how sad and misunderstood he is is a

The grocery store where I worked at, the wheels did actually lock up. I don’t know how they did that sorcery, but I saw this happen in action.

This is true. Goddamnit, it’s true. The Target near me has that sign and I didn’t believe it either. It shares a football-field-sized parking lot with a bunch of other chains. And Target’s always super crowded, so I often park in front of a different store and walk. One day I was by myself and had bought so much

I thought that said “normally a white guy” at first and I wondered what kind of weird super powers you had

Brit is living her best life right now, and it makes me so very happy.