
Same here. I have literally never known an SAE frat that wasn’t full of horrible, sexist & racists assholes. I had a friend who joined a SAE frat and was told he was their token n*gga, he promptly filed a complaint and quit. At a friends university his roommate told me to never go to an SAE party off campus because he

“While Carolyn [had] told him in the past that she wanted to die, she [had] never asked him specifically to kill her.”

I am in support of assisted suicide, but that’s still not what this was.

fact: churros are the most overrated dessert.

@Ryan Reynolds

Exactly. If she hadn’t claimed to be making tough decisions because journalists should hold candidates accountable since August, this wouldn’t be so much of an issue.

I think it’s fair to criticize Kelly (and lots of other journalists) for treating Trump with kid gloves. He’s an idiot with dangerous, constantly shifting policies, and he should be called to account for them. It’s not fair to tell her how she has to react to the way Donald Trump has treated her.

Wow, so “volatile personalities” is the nice way of saying “entitled, unprofessional assholes”?

So what do Bros buy ?

No no they’re very volatile personalities we don’t want to upset them. *dies of frustrated sarcasm*

Who in the name of fuck is Scott Disick

You are a beautiful wonderful person and I want to work with that nonsense. I am a social media manager for small businesses so I just end up explaining what hashtags are over and over again.

But no kissing!

Crazy. I will put any chocolate bar in my mouth for 5 cents.

I charge at least $5k more if you want me to put it in my mouth.

I deal with some of these same people in the course of my job, and it’s absolutely nutty. We’re trying to currently convince a group of young men to please ACTUALLY FOLLOW THE TERMS OF YOUR CONTRACT.

I work as a social media manager and just spent 2 hours of my life talking to the manager of an Instagram influencer about a post. The issue was that the guy wanted 5k more to have the product (a chocolate bar) in his mouth instead of his hands. This is what my life is.

Just don’t go through airport security with one.

Because they couldn’t think of the marketing potential of having the string connect to their specialty brand underwear?

Are we sure this isn’t just a late April Fool’s product from ThinkGeek?