
I don't know her, I have no idea whether she did or didn't. Of course someone from her team did but she may not have.

My takeaway from this is that you met Samuel L. Jackson and he was cool and I'm jealous.

Yes. That's how language works.

It’s at least 50-50 that he’s chucking the paint at his own house and blaming her.

Also, he “can’t finish construction on his home” and she’s throwing construction materials in his yard makes it sound like his people are fucking up and she’s over it.

Everyone wants a music video to have post-production work done. It’s the whittling down of her body’s proportions to an extreme degree that she takes issue with.

This poor girl will never know the joy of a souvenir vanity bike license plate...

Questioning why you’re singling women out as those mispronouncing a particular word makes me a jerk?

I’m now paranoid that I’m mispronouncing this word.

Sedimentary instead of sedentary is stupid... but. Not knowing how to pronounce a word properly just says you didn’t look it up in the dictionary when you read it, and yet you are comfortable enough to use it. Really, if the mispronounced word is used correctly, it’s a sign that someone reads more than they talk. So.

Yeah they had a really long loop there of shows that had a bunch of actual scumbags being rewarded for their scumbagery.

He’s such an idiot. He was already at the car when he refused to tow it, so instead of taking the chance of maybe losing money he took the chance of definitely losing money. He already wasted the time and gas to get there (and presumably back). He’s just a downright moron.

Any businessman or woman should know that when they ARE in business they may have to serve someone with whom they don’t necessarily agree,

Old, white, retired career Army officer here (infantry)...I do not see ANY partisan aspect to this photograph. It’s a non-problem, and it will fade away pretty quickly.

Uh... socialists don't pay? Last I checked, we were very much about people being paid fairly. It's the god squad who have a reputation for things like not tipping, and feeling entitled to free goods and services. Methinks that whenever this guy has had customers reluctant to pay, he has simply decided that they must

So Jesus hung out with tax collectors, lepers and prostitutes, but doesn’t want this guy to help a woman with a Berrnie Sanders bumper sticker?

I just wanna say that I’m actually in the Zumba class scene shown in the trailer. Which was filmed at 11:45 at night. :) Movie magic!

I suspect this is more the reason. They DO look similar and it was their way of saying “we were doing this hairstyle decades ago look how cool we are!” If Lupita didn’t mention who inspired the do, I can see Vogue just running with it to play themselves up.

They also very much wanted to work in a reference to a Vogue photo shoot. “What could have inspired her? Oh, that’s right, us!”