
I had to look up garlic scapes.

That’s the best attitude to have about dancing. Who cares what other people think? It’s about having fun.

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I’m going to have disagree about Hiddleston. He gives no fucks. He just likes to dance.

Yep. It’s been established that being conventionally attractive comes with enormous advantages in just about every aspect of life.

There is a writer who has listed her cat as co-author of all of her books.


I always feel survivor takes on a different meaning in terms of child abuse (as someone who has also experienced it). Typically, the abuse isn’t a one-off event, it’s something sustained over years. You become a survivor like similarly to a POW: it’s something that you’ve managed to outlive, rather than an event

  • When I sell my Seneca vampire book, I’m using my cat, Veronica’s, picture as my author’s picture. She’s very photogenic.

So what they are basically saying is that no matter how talented a writer you are, if you are not conventionally attractive, you are still going to have a much harder time getting published than if you were. Just like everything else in life.

I totally read this as “super big ass-bucket to go” and had to double take. Still seems legit, though.

You just reminded me of something. Omg. My son was like 6. And he was asking me for something. You know how kids are. “Please? Pretty please?.”

I was assaulted in adulthood and while I’m sure it’s not the same I feel you on the “why the fuck should I be required to forgive?” part.

Never get laid again? I’m thinking that the sweet aroma of garlic would make you 10 times more desirable. I mean, some of the best sex i have had was after a great meal. And all great meals contain some garlic.

All that’s missing is a suicide note.

Or a subscription.

First, I’m so happy that Bobby defended The Craft’s honor. Because it was awesome. I absolutely loved Heathers, but if I’m being honest, I have rewatched The Craft way more times. Second, are there really people out there who didn’t play “light as a feather, stiff as a board” growing up? I guess boys are excused, but

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Say what you want about the effects not holding up, or its oozing adolescent fantasies but I don’t think anyone can deny that Balk’s portrayal as Nancy is really a standout performance. The scene where she (SPOILERS) kills ulrich while her rage and power literally lifts her off the floor is horrifying, powerful, and

I don't care who it is as long as the romance is better written and the characters have more chemistry than Padme & Anakin. But then two bowls of cottage cheese would have more chemistry than Anakin & Padme.

This is the best article about the Met Gala I have read so far. (Sorry Julianne and Bobby)