
It’s grammatical*, uses big words and everything is spelled right. No Trump, by blood or marriage, wrote that.

Now playing

Yes but we got this out that bullshit, so in the end it was worth it.

It is very interesting that the Trumps think that the media using exact quotes and/or video of exact words they say is somehow the media being dishonest and biased.

Oh, it’s unfair to scrutinize Melanie’s parents but it was totally fine for her asshole husband and his cronies to bring up Obama’s parentage at every (inappropriate) opportunity.

This article lost me when it included Lupita. She specifically stated why she chose the CGI roles after 12 Years... but then that doesn’t fit the writer’s narrative. And Elba is in Thor in a role that was originally written as a white character. As for ST.... its fucking Star Trek. When you sign up, unless you are

Don’t forget Chinese people have an even worse aversion to seeing black people in the media. And Movies have to be marketable in china.

What does it say that Idris Elba is suddenly in four different movies where his physical appearance has absolutely no bearing on his role? It says he has a fucking great acting voice! It’s like a deeper, British version of Keith David. It’s not like they keep saying, “Let’s cast this black actor so we can hide his

Zoe is the female lead in Star Trek, but my heart will always see her as the fiery Eva in Center Stage!

Elba was weird to use as an example here, because it notes he is in three animated (and high grossing) movies. Good for him, right, he probably was well paid. (almost) Nobody shows their skin in animated movies. Then it notes how he is going to be unrecognizable but live action in Star Trek. One check in the box for

I get told all the time that “Twitter isn’t real life.” But it IS real life.

This is a good reminder that the vast majority of men are not tweeting shit like this. Getting tired of this being treated like a societal issue, instead of an issue with an incredibly small and incredibly loud minority of men.

But, bitches, man. They need to be taught a lesson all day everyday for having self esteem and sucking up oxygen.

But look at you, not threatening to rape/murder her because you don’t like her. It’s almost as if that was an easy thing to do!

*I* wanted to hug them and I was sitting across from them! They were legitimately so upset. It was unreal. Restored my faith in humanity. And bros.

I want to hug everyone in this video. The woman who had to endure this, the men who had to say this to these women’s faces and the directors for putting this together.

I applaud these women for trying to do something to combat the insane blowback to women in sports journalism. I feel awful for the dudes who have to read these, since it almost makes them look like the losers who actually typed those things.

I’ve always thought it was because reputable, skilled doctors will refuse to do certain things because they’re 1) too extreme, 2) will look bad or 3) because they see the patient has clear mental issues and permanently changing their appearance while they're not in the right state of mind will only worsen things.

Almost a million on a town hall? Wtf there’s 700 people in that town. My wee town has more, and we use the school gym or firehouse.

Yeah, there seems to be something missing from this story.

Not going to lie here; I do this all the time. And for a vintage cast iron skillet? Wouldn’t think twice. I’m astounded by what people leave on their curb, and I have no shame!