
I only wear my actual wedding rings if I’m going out to an event. Sometimes I remember to put on the $7 stainless steel band I got for work, sometimes I don’t.

This is why kids fail the analogy portion of the SATs.

My mother and I do this ALL THE TIME. This is also why I named my cat Jane. JAAAAAAAANE.

I’m very ashamed to admit my 13 y/o self did not recognize that possibility but your plan is definitely better.

Accents are not set at birth, they actually can be heavily influenced by a person’s peer group. If he has a black family and a lot of black friends his accent and speech patterns would change to reflect his social circles.

Mine sits, fist bumps (smashes his head on my fist), and high fives. He hates high fiving though.

I have really got to tell Beatrix T. Cattenborough about this. She has been very recalcitrant re: learning to do tricks. Maybe if she feels competitive?

I don’t want to post another picture of you without your permission, Bobby but this was you when you were a kid, right?

Acting out? How? By carrying a book while grabbing dinner with her husband? I wish all people “acted out” like this—-would lead to a lot more peace and tranquility in the world.

Can someone actually explain to me what A Low Vera meant? It’s literally nonsensical to me. I get that his ex-wife’s name was Vera, but why ‘A Low’? Is it like hello? Or saying she’s “low” in some context? What does that even mean?

All cheating is equal.

Sure, having money is a house of cards. Once you have money you commit to expensive things and now you need the money. A lot of people own $500-600k houses who make $150k a year, so the proportions are kind of similar. She also probably doesn’t want to retire. Her job is easy and fun and she’s like, 45. Whether or not

I agree that not all of the circumstances that lead to cheating is equal. I do not think cheaters are the literal worst humans on Earth. I have been a mistress, I professionally aid and abet cheaters and have been cheated on myself, so I’m no saint myself. That being said....

There’s nothing sex-positive about cheating.

Right? I mean with this anonymous source snippily saying “she spends a lot of money,” like Kelly is out buying a private jet or her own island or $40,000 worth of shoes. She’s buying Manhattan/LI real estate — rock-solid investments and ones in which her family can live. She’s spending wisely. And she’s got product

This is why you shouldn’t date an anaconda in disguise.

I didn’t ask the two dudes who had it done - they were the party-loving brothers with a ridiculous budget - but the married couple said it was pretty fast and yes, they loved their house.

My heart goes out to Lily Allen and other victims of stalking. There needs to be a better way of protecting victims. Their reports need to be taken seriously by the police.

When my husband and I were young, dating and broke we watched both of those channels a lot. We haven’t watched either in at least 5 years. My uncle just got out of jail and said that ALL they watch in there (besides Empire) is hgtv.

I, or rather my house, was on a HGTV show (not this one however). On the one hand, the premise was total bullshit. On the other hand, they kicked in cash beyond our budget, handled absolutely everything with the contractor (who was more expensive than we otherwise would have afforded), and got an entire downstairs