
My boyfriend, now husband, planned a surprise birthday party for me seven years ago. He kept me out of the apartment for hours and I figured something was up when I said I wanted to go home and nap and he offered to take me handbag shopping. I asked if there was a reason why we couldn’t go home and he was really

I can see that. But my adult age birthday parties I’ve never asked for presents. I just want to get together with my friends and get wasted. I usually provide the booze and snacks.

Well, the birthday person in our group usually buys all the food and cocktails and then writes on the invite “no gifts” so there’s that. #notallrude

They tried to make me feel like I’ve been birthdaying wrong, and that’s not cool.

In that clip from ET they announced her age and weight and then implied it’s pathetic to plan your own bday party.

I feel Sophia best expresses my feelings.

There was no magical time in the past where people were mostly good. There have been horrible people since before recorded history. We just live in an age where information is widely transmitted and thus we are aware of more of these horrible people.

This is fucking horrible.

Maybe it's a male stripper factory.

I kind of disagree though the stripper factory nonsense is rather silly. The Satanists try too hard to be in your face and shocking while the FSM has a whimsicality that is enjoyable. I teach World Religions and the students seem to get a kick out of the FSM.

Yeah, the criticism I always hear is that she only does “fat jokes” or “fat humor”. Except she doesn’t, really. She does jokes and humor while existing in a fat body.

RIGHT??? Jerry Seinfeld literally only plays Jerry Seinfeld. No one has ever said “Jerry Seinfeld is a failure”

Out of all the movies she stars in...Spy is the one they won’t see!? She actually is very versatile in Spy. Yes she does the aggressive and loud style of comedy, but she also is just as funny when she plays it meek and longing for Jude Law.

I have so many friends who refuse to see spy (this movie specifically. They want to see The Boss and Ghost Busters.) for this reason. They think she’s playing the same character and they won’t listen to me when I say that Spy is ah-may-zing. Amazing. I will admit that it is similar (also I don’t care because it’s

For those who would prefer having it all spelled out, here is the quote at the end of the Genius article, which is further excerpted from this piece on mtv.com:


Agreed, Taylor is a good songwriter overall and lyricist in particular, though I maintain that she is just about the last person who should be performing her own material. She’s better than she used to be but she still can’t really sing, exactly. It’s more like a recitation.

I’m no music scholar. But at an intellectual level, I think she’s got an incredibly deft gift for writing lyrics that - while simple-sounding - consistently evokes imagery that manages to be both emotionally evocative and incredibly linguistically precise... while also conforming to an invisible but arduous rhyme

I would really rather know nothing about them beyond their art, whatever it is. They don’t have to be relatable, for instance I don’t relate to Rhianna at all but I love her, they just need not to be straight up narcissistic c*nt faces, like Taylor Swift who used her “BFF’s” wedding for publicity.

My stay-at-home-mom-of-three friend texts me at least once a week that she is selling her kids to the circus. It’s a damn hard job.