
This. It is easy to say there is always time, but I’m really not sure where I would carve out the extra 30 minutes. Stop packing my kids’ lunches? Give up reading with them before bed? No longer go grocery shopping? Quit cleaning the house? Stop taking my father-in-law with Parkinson’s out for lunch?

I use a Korean product by Scinic called Honey Banana Cleansing Foam.

I use a Korean product by Scinic called Honey Banana Cleansing Foam.

My very first thought! Always nice to find a kindred mind.

Whoa. You have a sandwhich named after you?

I would pay money to tell this story to Gene Simmons live.

When I was really little I had horrible dreams about being chased by bad guys with white faces, black clothes, and big hair. I probably had these dreams from like age 4-8. All the time and it didn’t matter what I did, I could never outsmart them, they were always just about to get me. I mean, I remember finding a

The blinds are the most eye-assaulting thing in those pictures though. Really? Alternating colors. Egads. It is just too much!

I’m with you on the low fireplace bar. I actually like it a lot...except for the wheels on the ottomans. You’d be rolling into eachother all night long...wait...that actually sounds kind of fun...

I cook, but if I was cut off from my family while doing it, I think I’d end up cooking less. I think it depends on personal preference.

I just like kitchen, dining, and living rooms to be open spaces. And I liked that long before it was a trend. I’m from a big family and you were always missing out if you weren’t in the same room as everyone else. If you wanted to be alone: that’s what bedrooms are for!

I want those appliances. NOW.

You are not hurting for counter space, are you? That is one glorious stretch of counter top there.

Oh God. I hate wicker. And all the hearts carved into the wood. And that very particular blue that was everywhere. *Shudder*

LOL, I mentioned this movie on another article earlier today. I feel so good seeing a gif from it here:)

I’m sad I can only give you one star. I should make a bunch of fake kinja accounts just to star you some more...

+1000 for Candyman.

Short and stubby like his little fingers?

Awesome parenting. I like your style. I might steal your style for my own purposes: I’m scanning old photos for my in-laws...guess who might get some old pics with Ghostface in them?

I think this must vary a LOT by school system and subject matter. My husband teaches the remedial math track at his public high school and he has a Masters in Mathematics.

Where do you live? In Indiana, high school teachers must be certified/licensed for any subject they teach. Among other things, that involves taking a lengthy test to prove their competence in the subject.