
Agreed. Cafeteria is not the place. If something has historical value in chronicling a time we would not wish to repeat, it may be worth storing, but it shouldn’t be on display in a manner that could imply they condoned what the image contained.

I agree. They are a useful tool, but they are not an all purose tool. In my graduate program we had severe issues with one of our professors (he was head of the department, as well). I felt like I wrote a book about the guy on my evaluation and I know several others in the class did too — not rage-y, just detailed.

You had my shudder at “deep throating a knife”.

Step Up All In. Not the greatest in the series. Chad is the best thing in it.

Well, they sound crazy, but baby wearing is awesome if your baby is a colicky hot mess of non-stop crying. Because worn skin to skin or in the shower was the only time my tot stopped wailing. I should think no one in their right mind should be on Facebook with other moms.

Yes, I would like to know what kind of knife it was because it could have been the kind a reasonable person might carry.


Wow. Really negative. Don’t we ALL need to TRY something to stop Trump from getting into office? Maybe every little bit counts, even if it only gets a few more people movtivated to vote, etc.

Thank you for this.

I don’t think we like the same kinds of TV...

Yeah, I lived in Chicago for years. If the carts didn’t lock up, people would have just walked their groceries all the way to their apartments in those carts and never returned them. There would have been orphan carts all over the neighborhood for clerks to go hunt down.

After I moved from a big city to a rural city, I was so confused by all these carts left all over so far away from the grocery store. I was like, ‘how do they get them out there?’ And then I realized, I’m living in a rural area now, they aren’t plagued with people trying to walk their groceries home in the carts or

What is that?

Exactly. IDK how many times my husband has had to call in another teacher for something like that, just so that there was another teacher there as a witness that nothing inappropriate was going on.

Or the Coach. Let us not forget the coaches!

Yeah, me too. Now I do know some ladies with super heavy flow who can’t really use the cup because it would overflow or they just don’t have access to a good bathroom during the day to use. I personally would not be comfortable wiping it out and putting it back in while in a stall. I’d be a bloody mess. I’m lucky

Not giving up my cup for that.

IDK everyone hates on him for having a hobby. You don’t have to be a pro to enjoy painting. I bet he is better at painting now than he was before. Those were private paintings that he wasn’t trying to show anywhere or to anyone. I feel bad that his privacy was violated that way and that people ridiculed his efforts.

Cool trivia. I’m so glad you shared this detail!

A better article for both boys and girls (of an age to care about attractiveness) would be how to feel confident on the beach and how to refrain from judging others or making them feel bad.