I feel lucky luke

It only confirms what we all know: No rain in Sahara.

Someone knows about 140% of population of Russia?

Hey Mr. Heisenberg, are you busy? Can you please come to the next door to check out this thing...?

Epic fail is epic

Epic Jesus Diaz Trolled is epic.


Far more effective than a LINKEDIN job search or a post on Techcrunch. This is the smartest move due to his "last man" situation without begging. I would contract him right now If I was the iOS Head

So to use the condom first you need to have an erection. But to have the erection you need the condom with viagra... Nice idea guys, keep trying.

So you can´t sit and watch tv at the same time? Come on, you can do better...

The whole article is a trolled tribute. Circle of life....

It sucks to be a sea star...

Who cares. I own amazon stocks...

Once I was the first one to have my problem. In the entire Internet world. In 2011! It´s like feeling the meaningless of life...

I own Apple and Google stocks. Patents are good for me.