At first I was thinking, "Wait, so some stupid hill billy drove across the country trying to create a GPS message and misspelled it? Haha." Then I realized it was some author of best selling novels. Now I feel like a hill billy...
At first I was thinking, "Wait, so some stupid hill billy drove across the country trying to create a GPS message and misspelled it? Haha." Then I realized it was some author of best selling novels. Now I feel like a hill billy...
@ian.nai: They try to avoid taking an abandoned vehicle and spending the money until they are relatively sure that its abandoned.
I've always heard that "ra-eeee-aaaiiiin on your wedding day" was good luck...
Can they repair my sense of them being incompetent fools?
@Tycho Vhargon: Wow.... I'm sorry for my moment of stupidity. I always assumed that broadband was cable. Thanks for the correction.
What about DSL...
That 98% approval rating for Steve Jobs looks off. I call shenanigans!
Its funny how there used to be so many rumors about new iPod nanos but now nobody cares about those anymore...
@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: sorry, brainfart... Wow I can't believe i just used that word...
@Bug Eyed Gekk: And sadly thats most of the American population about technology.
@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: Well...
Stupid oversight on RIM's part..
@Gundem: Dude, I agree, I have my iPod jailbroken through jailbreakme, but a lot of people don't read tech blogs and don't get this stuff. They might download malicious software. Apple fixed it on Mac OS X and it was kind of necessary to fix it on iOS too.
This update was necessary. It may have blocked jailbreaking, but it was important for apple to fix the exploit as soon as possible for the safety of those who don't want to receive viruses through PDF's.
@ckcallen: Well, webpages or links can open apps, and when this url opens the app, the app "knows" that this url has caused it to open and activates the feature.
No way!!! the iPod touch gets upgraded in the same way that the iPhone was a few months ago?!! Gee, i never thought that would happen..
These look easy to hack...
@Ultraorange: at least the camera on the nano doesn't look like a 'beauty mark'
Barbies got a giant mole on her chest... ew.
@phool: or the beer belly.