
Zack Snyder’s Spider-Man:

Cant imagine Cyborg would want anything to do with flash. I mean its buggy as hell and would open him up to all kinds of security exploits.....

Cyborg vs Flash: DOS of Justice

I ain’t in your union, pal.

I am still annoyed at Adam Corrolla and Jimmy Kimmel for that shit.

Would rather have seen Trevor Noah go.

Annalee, thanks for giving us this place, whatever happens in the future. It’s been a good home to have from this side of the screen as well. :)

Agreed. For me, io9 more or less already died when it merged with gizmodo. The gawker sale and subsequent changes are purely formality at this point.


I also miss having an actual scientist on staff writing. Mika’s articles really were a cut above.

Absolutely. Things went downhill fast after the merger. I also miss the days when there weren’t articles popping up almost every day with someone being mortally offended about something. Some of that content is absolutely ridiculous.

Truly an end of an era. Sad to see something as wonderful and singular as io9 get sucked into this black hole. I hope New Father is nice. We had stars once.

I mostly miss io9 being it’s own site and not just a part of Gizmodo. I really hated that decision.

Seriously. She carries this show on her back and they need to raise these stories to her level. An actor ready to wear the “S” hasn’t been so let down since Bryan Singer made Brandon Routh do a Christopher Reeve impression for the fan tribute film he called Superman Returns.


Hopefully we get to see her being a badass pilot in Avengers: Infinity War, and then pick up in her movie later that year getting her powers, and wiping the floor with fools in Infinity War: Part Deux.

Bayonetta with a Ruler is not having any of THAT.

Fucking time masters. Fuck them.

F that! He needs to bring Kara and the gang to his reality so they can get ice cream every week!