
and don't forget the 3-dimensional chess where Leonard lost...

Which is what Peter's feeling too isn't it? He doesn't really care whats brewing between Lincoln and Orlivia (not a typo, it stands for Orange Olivia) because its not his Olivia. Even he doesn't care about the people here. In that sense Peter has become the protagonist of the show now, because he feels and is going

Everyone's thinking it, you just said it

I've never read much (and thus probably don't know/understand much) about such theoretical physics so perhaps I'm way off here. But I read the multiverse theory once which basically looked at our universe as just one of many universes. In each universe the law of physics work in a different way and so on and so

Been wondering, is the fact that the show opens in an orange background this season (as opposed to blue or red) clear confirmation that we are in a third universe?

Dear Fringe,

Its an image of Cameron, played by Summer Glau who also played River Tam; not Sarah Conner.

mighty indeed

I've noticed lately how following and watching so many TV shows (Fringe, Person of Interest, Terra Nova, Homeland, Modern Family, The Office, Dexter- that's just this season) has taken me away from what used to be my primary love- reading.

There's just so much wrong in this post, so much that I disagree with and already so many replies posted to it that I fear I'll be fighting a lost cause if I reply. To put it in short I think despite the point you make your entire opinion still comes off as one-sided. To me it's clear that a fair mind would as

Perhaps when he says "there are no good or bad guys in war" he's talking about war in general and not a specific war that you can point to. What you say might (only might) be valid in WW2 but definitely holds no ground in Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq.


Actually this show won't really disappoint me any further. I now know not to expect anything from it and am just on the ride because there's nothing much else to watch on Mondays.

Oh damn! That's an embarrassing mistake, dunno how I made it. I did actually mean pulling his leg but I'm trying to understand why you feel even that doesn't fit.

Ah, now I get it :)

I think it's safe to say that this show is being made for the everyday (undiscerning) audience, not for the serious, critical but loyal viewer. That would explain the serious lack of 'realism' in the entire show. The characters simply exist on a screen, not in our lives. I don't relate to anyone, to aspire to be

Not really! An ordinary audience member just figured it out in 5 episodes and outed it on public forum!

I'm hating Terra Nova as much as everyone else here is but I think in this case it was valid. It's not like the 6ers in front of Taylor were the only 6ers. There were many more hidden back where Taylor couldn't find them. So maybe he didn't want to invite an invasion into his camp by gunning the 6ers present down.

I think the writers of the show don't really have any rules for this thing. Just make up whatever story you want and we'll simply show the characters as having been mistaken if we need to (or worse, neglect to do even that and let people keep pointing it out on io9)

"And again, why trust the Shannon's at all when you've got people like the Sixers around who came through the portal and betrayed the colony? There should be a lot more distrust amongst these people towards the family and how they (Mr. Shannon, really) ended up on the colony, but they settled into place way too easy