
Made me think of Stargate SG-1. A new planet every episode for ten years man!

Can we correct the headline to read Game OF Thrones please?

Viewing this post in blog view with the image, I read the headline as "..tiny, terrifying Bathtub"

Dammit I wanted Pacific Rim Super Bowl Pleasure

Couldn't Belly have done one final cameo in this video at least?

Will someone tell me why this is happening in an obscure Australian town and nowhere else where the temperatures are equal to or above 45degC (including Delhi, India)?

To this I add the Dune series by both Frank and Brian Herbert

Except that my religion of Bill-Adamaism tells me that all of this has happened before and all of this will happen again :(



So all the aliens have to do is start The Michael Scott Paper Company

Why did the teaser feel like a mash-up of Battleship and The Avengers?

Someone please explain to me how this story falls in either sf or fantasy?

I've always thought of my laptop/smartphone/tablet as digital versions/extensions of me. Thus my laptop is called Digi-Amrit, my smartphone is Psy-Mini (Psy being a pseudonym I have used for purposes like this way before we were Gangnaming) and my tablet is PsyTab.

Another reason for me to be happy that I'm a consumer in the Indian mobile market, not the American.

I would ask "Doesn't this article itself qualify as trolling?"

"First, she must convince Miles."


I'm still going to watch this with all due excitement, but why does it feel like this is going to be an attempt to better/top The Dark Knight Rises in terms of the concluding part of a trilogy? It already feels like the basic plot is same- Hero finally meets his Match, Match ruins everything about the Hero, Hero