
I see Hollywood flicks and sitcoms losing a vital comic motif

I guess one can run only so many post's on Jobs before needing a post something like this. Most of the ads aren't even that bad, let alone "worst." I won't say this post is in poor taste but it definitely implies a content-crunch and product (Steve Jobs) saturation...Cracked would have done this better

I've been using Gmail since 2005 and one of the things I instantly loved about it was the search feature. For a while a few years back I tried the labels and folders thing but even then I would simply type the relevant keyword in the search bar when I was looking for a mail (or a certain type of mails).

i'm forced to agree with most of wat you say. in the latest episode when walter went crazy while trying to be all cool in front of broyles is when the illusion broke for me. why would peter keep trying to contact walter this way when he clearly sees the old man thinking he's crazy and others doubting it as well!

lance reddick's explanation of broyles' reaction to peter sounds like how he dealt with walter in the first season, different reasons to not trust. But for me the mystery of the show now lies with the observers, not with peter (who we all know is coming back). I know about the two universes and why they are fighting

ok, technically not the same thing but total walter bishop flashback

here's david beckham in the world war 2, taken from my camera...its the 25th photo.....and watsup with io9 needing you to login using fb or twitter?? what if im on neither?

which basebands does this apply to?