I Am Jack's Colon

The logic is strong with this one.

Delivery was off, but judges??

What is this scorcery? You can predict the future, DON’T LIE!

Tyrone: What’s the problem, looks fine to me, baby!

This will be greatly underappreciated.

I have a new found respect for you, and your lady friend.

but.. but... equality?


Alex: It shouldn’t be a problem for me. It’s step one of my morning routine.

Motherhood is unpaid labor, yes.

When did you make your purchases? When did you ask for your refund and when did they actually refund it?

Not defending... but that tweets exactly at the character limit.

^^^ Now here’s a guy who gets it.

Come on noble, you’re better than this.

Your backup options are Kellen Moore, seen here auditioning for the lead role in Simple Jack 2.

Winner winner chicken dinner.

The logic is strong with this one!

You did it. Best comment I’ve ever seen on Deadspin. This will be hard to top. You cheeky bastard.

You’re the hero deadspin needs.

Go home. Lock yourself in the closet. Never come out again.