There are no diesels on board an Arleigh Burke.
There are no diesels on board an Arleigh Burke.
Yup. DFM and JP-5 are pretty much the same thing for all intents and purposes. JP-5 is just slightly more refined, but it's all pretty ubiquitous.
1) Ukraine is not “fascist” any more than Obama is an atheist Muslim. Lay off the RT.
I’m not sure “outsmarting” is a term I would have used...
Lol...Obama fucked him hard. A Democratic President allowed Congress to essentially exempt fracking from environmental laws (pissing off all the greens) and also managed to get the Saudis to continue to push oil prices down “in competition” with the US by maintaining production. Even though it’s messing with their own…
Hahaha... I’m sure that’s a very expensive rosé champagne, not a white zin. What they’re celebrating is beyond me, but oh well.
That’s a good start, but knowing what a supplement does is only half of the story. The other half is whether it actually contains what it’s supposed to.
Wait until they learn herbal supplements are made of “Chemicals”
It’s an irony that the people most likely to distrust big Pharma for being part of a multi-billion dollar industry are the ones most likely to trust sellers of herbal supplements, who are part of a multi-billion dollar industry with no controls on it.
We’re all victims in Portland.
I know that Mars isn’t as comfortable as Hawaii, but it’s still amazing to me just how “mild” the surface is compared to the surface of every other world in the solar system.
Finally someone said the word ‘deter’. It shouldn’t have taken this long. AudiAudiOxenFree is forgetting that the ultimate purpose of military capability is deterrence. If you can’t win a war, someone will start a war with you. If you can win a war, there won’t be one.
America was short sighted before WWII the same way. People thought the wars in Europe and far East could never reach them until it did. Russia, China and Iran are all threats to the US. China is still a communist country, Russia wants back her lost territories. Iran and much of Islam just want Israel, America and…
“Rule number one of foreign policy: Don’t ever assume you can predict future events.”
Exactly. While it might seem odd to worry too much about conventional warfare with another nuclear power, I’d be you a trillion i-told-you-so’s that if we’d spent the money on conventional materiel for ourselves and allies, Russia wouldn’t feel free to grab bits of whatever country it likes, and the middle east would…
it may not have an equal in terms of one on one combat, but the German Tiger II also had no equal..... unless it got gang jumped by half a dozen Sherman tanks.
technical advancement can only cover your ass so far. eventually, you either run out of ammo or run into numbers that erase your advantage. and while a nation…
The information I was able to find with a cursory Google search says that they actually mothballed the tooling, so there is a chance that production could be restarted.
As if they suddenly came to an epiphany, the United States Air Force brass is now admitting what many of us have…
And the engines would be constantly on fire.