The article you cite was published in May, well before the main attack in Ghouta in late August. Hundreds of kilos of sarin were used in that attack, and the purity, according to the UN, was much higher than even Saddam was able to achieve. Sarin must be carefully prepared and stored, something that most rebels…
If it wasn’t for an incompetent Iranian nuclear technician, Stuxnet would have remained at Iranian nuclear facilities, slowly destroying centrifuges. But some guy had to bring a flash drive from home and plug it into his air-gapped computer at work.
I have to admit I’m not really familiar with StarCraft. But after I posted that all I could think of was:
I vote we just start ignoring or dismissing “Andrew”, ironic_losername, and Ramon_Aguila. The Ever Socially Apathetic TBAL is on the line. I hate the idea of dismissing people, it reeks of censorship. But these guys have Kremlin-Nashi-Putinbot written all over them, even if they claim to be Canadian or British or…
Considering we operate quite a few aircraft in the area, the smart move would have been to fire them from the Med. They had to turn to steer clear of Mosul and the Turkish border. If one had malfunctioned and landed in Turkey, the Obama and would likely have be in conference with NATO and Erdogan from the war room…
I never stopped building Lego helicopters.
Putin has things handled in his war room, straight out of Dr. Strangelove:
This guy is either an uber troll or completely ignorant of reality.
So Assad’s barrel bombs and sarin gas didn’t cause the refugee crisis, it was the American’s fault?
They’re using cluster bombs, which are banned by a special UN convention specifically because they have such a high rate of collateral damage. But they haven’t killed a single civilian!
The more moderate FSA rebels are Sunni, and most Syrians are Sunnis. Assad is an Alawite, which is an obscure branch of Shias. The government of Syria post Assad will need to be led by a majority of Sunnis. Both to make the country more democratic, and to prevent a Shia axis from Tehran to Damascus.
I think the count this morning was 57 Russian airstrikes, 2 of which were against ISIS.
Ah I see you’re Canadian. Now I understand.
What exactly does the Declaration of Independence have to do with Russia Today?
What about South Ossetia? What does a disputed region in the Caucasus have to do with Tyler’s headline?
Hey maybe you should just go back to reading RT. I think it’s more in line with your persuasion.
Cruise missiles from the Caspian Sea was an arrogant and risky move.
I love the exterior and interior detailing of Prairie style homes. But the floorpans are usually really odd. He had ideas about how you should progress through a house that don’t translate well to contemporary ways of living.
Yeah I’m ignoring him from now on.