Russia builds decent escort tugboats...
Russia builds decent escort tugboats...
Aluminum as used in shipbuilding is not flammable. Aluminum powder, sure. Aluminum panels, no. The heat simply dissipates before it can get hot enough to ignite.
If we start deploying rail guns on surface combatants, there’s no way we will then build our ships to commercial standards. Talk about splitting open a hull like a tin can.
Anybody know what the most powerful moving vehicle ever is? I’m gonna assume a Saturn V rocket.
Such a system sounds good in theory, but that would mean results would be incredibly close for everyone. There would be so many recounts we would never know who actually won the election. This is why we have the electoral college. It turns a neck and neck popular vote into a clear winner. Usually.
That’s not the kind of logic a frustrated and tired frontline riot cop is going to use
Like I said I’m no fan of the Sauds. They have a terrible human rights record. I’ve read plenty about the kid getting beheaded.
I’m not trying to defend the policies, but I think the formation (and proliferation) of ISIS is far more complex than that. I also don’t think it’s all about that pipeline. Syria has long been problematic for the US, even if only indirectly. Assad gunned down protesting civilians in the street, something that the US…
I hope you don’t consider yourself a geopolitical expert if you think that guy’s conspiracy theories are on point. Orchestrated global media propaganda conspiracies require a ten gallon tin foil hat to subscribe to.
I was referring to friendly fire towards other military units. Civilian casualties are a whole other ballgame. The Russians are really good at inflicting civilian casualties.
Most of my information was from the report made by the SSI at the Army War College.
You’re only three days late to the conversation. Read my other posts in the thread.
Russia’s heavy hand isn’t doing them any favors. Sweden and Finland, both previously hesitant to join NATO, are now starting negotiations for membership.
Easy on the caps lock Chief.
ExxonMobil pulled out of several substantial drilling projects due to the sanctions. The sanctions have also limited the ability to source capital from foreign investment, which has always been a staple of Gazprom.
I completely agree with you on that. As effective as they may be, artillery strikes intended to break enemy morale are messy affairs that often result in high civilian casualties. I sincerely hope the Russians in Syria keep the defensive posture that they appear to have now. I have no problem with them showing up to…
Your link is broken but I have seen the 24% number elsewhere. There were several friendly fire incidents involving close air support. There were no friendly fire aircraft losses.
Ever notice that it’s an F-14 coming in to land, but then jumps to what looks like an old F2H Banshee?