
The Camp David Accords were a huge deal even at the time. I would give more credit to Sadat than Carter though. Initially Carter was even reluctant to support peace talks between Israel and Egypt without any other Arab countries.

He was an Army Air Force Officer during WWII but his bad eyesight meant he couldn’t serve overseas. He produced training films for the AAF.

In the grand scheme of things Nixon was a much more important president than Carter. We all tend to think about Watergate (which was a huge deal) but Nixon’s foreign policy record is much better than Carter’s. Nixon’s negotiations with China changed the global dynamic and ruined Sino-Soviet relations, he oversaw the

They still haven’t figured out how to make good engines though.

Looks like a good way to get typical 18 year old kids to enlist. When you're that age your hormones easily override that logical part of your brain telling you that there are no bikini clad female soldiers.

Netflix is steadily expanding its availability. Most western European countries have access now.

The firm US policy in the region is simple. Prevent a single power from controlling or dominating the entire region. We can't afford to control the region directly, so we will prevent anyone else from controlling it. As long as the Iranians are fighting proxy wars with the Saudi Alliance neither power can dominate the

They should just call the BBC and ask how to get in touch with him. Netflix would be perfect.

I think the airframe on the P-8 has been altered to deal with the extra stress. Plus it has a weapons bay that the original engineers didn't plan for.

This is why NATO always keeps Denmark and Turkey close. The Black Sea may be a Russian lake, but Turkey controls the only way in and out.

There have been reports now of bodies washing ashore.

I know the Russians can make a pretty damn good plane. The problem I see is funding. Even if this thing flies by 2025, there's no way the Russians can fund a full program. The Russian economy will continue to struggle for the next ten years. They have a serious demographic decline issue that's essentially impossible

The Tu-95 evolved from the Tu-85, from the Tu-4, etc. I'm not going to search for sources but good ones are easy to find if you need them. The design evolution is pretty obvious. The fuselage is almost exactly the same diameter (9 ft, 3 m), it's just elongated and swept wings are added (the B-52 was originally

You never get 100% efficiency. The most efficient nuclear weapons had multiple stages (products of the first fission would then be fused, and so on), but they still wasted most material. They were however very compact for their yield. The B41 is considered to be the most efficient nuke ever created.

The EMTs and Paramedics in my local FD do not have to carry additional insurance. They're covered under city and union insurance. It's pretty hard to win a case against a fire department for property damage unless it's blatantly the firefighter's fault. If you end up in a wreck with a fire truck "running hot", you are

The Iranians have every right to traverse international waters wherever they please, as does every other sovereign nation. The US is not going to stop them unless we are actively at war with them. You don't hear about Iranian warships around our coasts because they lack the logistic capabilities to regularly sail

More specifically the Ayatollahs want to firmly dominate the entire Middle East in an effort to spread Shia Islam. They would really like to be in territorial control of Mecca and Medina, but dominating the region is a much easier goal. The Iranians (and Persians) as a nation have always sought to spread their

Or a 16" shell with a guided, sabot-discarding projectile. Imagine an 8-inch guided round backed by the propellant from a 16" gun. We're talking a potential range of 70+ miles.

To each his own. But Netanyahu will much more willingly step down if he loses an election. Putin has far more to lose.

I will definitely watch it, I hope it's on Hulu or Netflix (although I'll settle for online). I need to show it to one of my relatives who is currently on a trip to Russia and likes to deny much of the negative press about Putin. He trusts the Russians he works with and has a difficult time understanding how little