Notice I said rarely. And I would argue that didn't directly target civilians.
Notice I said rarely. And I would argue that didn't directly target civilians.
Ever seen what happens when you drop a Willy Pete grenade down an artillery or tank barrel?
Except that accidents happen, and collateral damage is a part of war. The US goes above and beyond to try to prevent innocent civilian deaths. You don't hear about the successful strikes because that doesn't make good news.
Actually conventional forces have rarely targeted civilians since WWII. It's proven to be an ineffective tactic except for psychologic warfare. Non-conventional forces still use it regularly since it remains an effective tactic for them.
No I did not mistype. The US didn't invade Crimea and we aren't funding the nut jobs that murdered 300 innocent airline passengers. But you probably think that Ukrainian Su-25 somehow shot it down.
If you want people to take your claims seriously, provide them with links. Google provides far more dubious results than accurate ones.
So they switched the P-51 to a more difficult to produce and more expensive Merlin why?
As I said before, I'm from Louisiana. I ain't knowing how to talk good.
There are some more remote parts of Bourbon that are ok. It's just too damn touristy now. And Drew definitely needs to visit NOLA, it's an incredibly unique place.
Ah yes, the King of the Snakes.
For the record Drew, Monroe and New Orleans are about as similar as Napa and Los Angeles. Both share a governor and pay the same state taxes, and the similarities end there.
I wasn't aware Elmer Fudd was Cajun.
If he doesn't want to pay property taxes that's fine as long as he doesn't utilize the services those property taxes pay for. Like police, fire protection, schools, libraries, roads...
It looks like it sort of ended up as an evac mission. It's similar to what happened post Katrina, National Guard units would fly in to drop MREs and water and people would push to climb in even though that wasn't the plan.
You still have to get that mass out of orbit. If you simply release it from a launch vehicle it will just continue to orbit right next to it. If you somehow "fire" it from the launch vehicle you risk altering the stable orbit of the launch vehicle, since that propulsive force would act on both bodies.
The Kurds were less successful at getting autonomy in Turkey and a more radical wing of the Kurds had a terrorist/insurgent campaign against the Turkish government. I would compare it to the Basques.
A launch satellite would have to be relatively large if it were forcefully ejected, since any launch would act on both the satellite and the projectile. It would seem simpler to me for it to be simply released, and the projectile would then have a small jettisonable booster to deorbit.
True, but if it is deployed from orbit, it must somehow be slowed down sufficiently to de-orbit.
I'm pretty sure the Yazidi and Kurds will benefit from a little US assistance. Otherwise they face persecution or genocide.
As cool as this thing is, a scaled up version wouldn't work that well as a bomber. The bombs would need some kind of propulsion system to slow down enough to de-orbit, and at that point it starts to look like an ICBM to the Russians.