nicer than i sound

Well, no one watched it here, either, and the British reviews were just as strong, so I don't think the appreciation levels were all that different. I get that you dislike the book and the series, but "the usual cosplay types" is just silly.

Samuel West did such a good job of keeping me sympathetic towards Lord Poole, when he could have so easily been a one-dimensional asshole.

For the moment, the smut is basically contained to Childermass/Norrell.

This show really, really stuck the landing. If I had an A+ to throw around, I'd get swept away, too.

I wish that I knew more ordinary people that look like Strange and Childermass.

Oh, I know, and I would kill to see him and Ben Whishaw in Bakkhai right now. It just surprises me that someone so talented and magnetic isn't more widely-known.

In a perfect world, Bertie Carvel would be a big damn star.

The ratings were so disappointing, and I honestly can't understand them—this seems like it would have something for everyone. I would make the worst TV executive.

Ben Mendelsohn, though—I'm happy he got recognized, even if the Emmys are silly and his certainly wasn't a supporting role.

Seriously. Every time I watch the news or read a paper, I get SO ANGRY that they're ruining all my future fact-based entertainment.

Everyone laughs at Carrie.

200 hours, Chloe. I'm starting to feel like I can't even trust you.

I misread the headline. There's nothing for me here.

Oh, god, I want to go next year. I've never really understood the appeal of cons but I feel like now I get it—it's a gathering of my people.

Yeah, he's very anxious to frame this as a "teenage mistake" and depressingly, I've seen a bunch of media outlets running with that description. Those wacky teens!

Hello Friend!

One of the victims was 4.

The statements bafflingly avoid that information, but it's in the police reports. If I'm remembering correctly, it was 4 of the 5 victims.

I had the same thought. These are rarely isolated events—I had an underaged molester in my family, and his actions certainly didn't come from nowhere. I shudder to even think of the shit this family has lurking just a millimeter or so under the surface.

The fact that I am this unreasonably invested in a guy with a terrible-looking Bible tattoo scrawled all over his back who won't shut up about Texas just goes to show what a weird effect Survivor can have on me. I was so tense during the end of that immunity challenge that I had to look away until it was over. I