
super beneficial with no real downsides”

it only looks like humans are egotistical assholes because the egotistical assholes are inherently elevated by capitalism. 

Not really seeing what the problem is here.  Are capitalists suggesting the game be made less realistic and heap unending praise on capital as every other piece of media does?

I mean, the historical record shows this to be true. It’s why the Soviet Union rose from backwater to rivalling the US so quickly, why China’s economic growth is outpacing the US, and why Cuba is having so many successes despite crushing economic sanctions.

Sir this is a Wendy’s

I’m glad Carlsen has finally opened up about what’s happening. I’m still unimpressed by both sides.

How you gonna leave off

This is all fine, but the proper way to watch Evangelion is on VHS tapes containing two dubbed episodes each that you purchased at Suncoast Video with two months’ allowance.

“The best course of action is for everyone involved to be honest. You should be clear about how long you think it’ll take the rest of your party to arrive. You should be honest if they’re not coming.”

If anyone is worried about the flag looking weird I have some thoughts. Just start merging some of our more useless states. One Dakota, one Carolina. Mississippi and Alabama have no excuse for being two states. Erase the border between Arkansas and Oklahoma and it’ll be years before either state notices.

How doth the little Congressman redo his dubious tale. And refer to the waters of the Euphrates, trying to avoid jail.

Rodgers has missed less than 15 games in his career to injury...

Billy overdosed on oxy last week.

When his balls hit your eyes and you say “where’s that guy?”, that’s Adoree’…

Before they finally kill it, they will require 478 updates, each of which will try to force a McAfee install.

The last time I can remember when black people were recruited en masse for new job opportunities, it didn’t go so well.

I don’t think anyone will be too upset: people who stay at Trump Hotels are used to being robbed.

Dude, you’re getting given a lesson in empathy by an autistic person. Might want to put the shovel down.

In before “Well that’s white privilege for you. Never having to be insulted by slurs”

As a black person, your paragraph confuses me.