There was a whole beach full of dicks not but 60 miles away from me two days ago and this is the first I’m hearing about it??!! Goddammit internet!
There was a whole beach full of dicks not but 60 miles away from me two days ago and this is the first I’m hearing about it??!! Goddammit internet!
Weird, since women are the ones on stage.
Silly Bekaby, don’t you know?, lesbians don’t exist!
Lesbian money is no good to them, I guess?
My public school system is charging nearly 10x as much as it did when I graduated in ‘90. How many jobs pay 10x what they did in ‘90?
All of which means that Trump will push even harder for this guy to be appointed. Nothing owns the libs like giving plum, prize jobs in the administration to credibly accused sexual assaulters, one would assume.
I think face wash is pretty necessary since you need to wash the sunscreen off at the end of the day.
Add “Scream in frustration because somehow your skin is both super duper dry and has acne at the same time” to my routine.
Using shampoo as face wash would absolutely WRECK my skin. Does it not strip your skin at all?
“a white man with a heavy build, short dark colored hair and a receding hairline.”
It just stands out more when a clearly wealthy person is stealing power vs. somebody with an economy car.
If I am in a public place then yeah I will plug in a phone. If I am walking down the street and my phone dies, I am not going to walk over to someone’s house and plug into their exterior outlets.
Yes, she does. I have friends older than her with less wrinkles. Hell, I have less wrinkles.
Not saying she doesn’t look great, just that she’s dumping a lot of money to look exactly her age.
She‘s 42. She looks 42. You’re wasting your time Liv, we’re all going to get old and die! Relax, honey.
I’m trying to look on the bright side here. This is WAY better than the shaky, unshaven guy showing up at your front door saying “Hey man my wife and baby daughter are in the car and we ran out of gas can you help me out?”
Wait, so they were “visiting a friend” when they noticed they were out of juice, and their friend wouldn’t let them leave the car there to charge?
My favorite part about the internet is that it allows you to enjoy every minor asshole from around the world, not just the nearby ones.
Joule thief!
That’s an immediate tow from my perspective. And putting a little pebble in the valve stem cap as well.
Dude is an absolute saint, if only because he’s waging a one-man crusade against the Florida Man stereotype.