
Damn that’s cold. But fair. 

Maybe you should stop taking trains? 

We could totally be friends 

A study of seven women? How is that statistically viable in any world? 

I’m white and I support this theory 😂

13 year old can not consent. Isn’t that the law??? 


You win!! 

That woman is completely out of line and handled things very badly but the people on either side of her are quite large and I can see how they would have been spilling into her space. She definitely should not have acted like she did but as someone else posted - everyone prays they don’t get stuck in the middle seat

He’s got a big dick. Duh. 

Can Nick enjoy steak again yet tho? 

I hope she elevates that team to the highest levels because of her coaching. Then that dude who refused to pick up cones for women can get a cone up his turd tunnel.

Reminds me of a quote from a British tv show

She’s 29 not 20. Big difference. 


Exactly! Also he didn’t do the cliche bs of going for a 24 year old Asian chick. He went for a nearly 50 year old! His first wife was brilliant and seemed to be a true partner- he hired her for a job. She went to Princeton. He seems like he digs Ge appropriate, accomplished women. Marriages end. If they are cool with

This is what you are worried about?  Is it always about the menz for you?

Yes I still think about calf implants guy - his story was so ridiculously awful 

Let’s not forget Michael abused Lily Taylor when he dated her. He’s a well known woman hating abuser who is clinging to a shred of public attention by pulling these Twitter antics. Ariana makes more an a day than he’s making in a year so he’s just hating...

Stephen is such a weasel faced shit bag