
Enough with the Hillary bashing?? JFC. Every woman that dares exhibit an ounce of ambition she gets attacked. I’m over it.

What is npd?


If they worked hard, took risks and are functioning members of society hey I don’t begrudge anyone success. Even g it’s way more than mine. Sometimes people just get lucky. It happens. The church conversion aspect tho- nope, not having that.

I wasn’t thinking the same. I hate shopping with my husband bc he’s a whiny nag and adds nothing to my errands. He buys his own clothes, if I tell him to go or and get anything for the kids he goes out and gets it. Mostly we shop online for ease- neither of us are into shopping. If a woman is going clothes shopping

Yeah she seems thirsty AF

You. You I like.

They likely probably “only” gave them 150k downpayment

Agree 1000x. I have loved and lost but those guys who weren’t into me - those who more or less made me feel like I was the back up plan. sorry I have some dignity and don’t want to be the thing you take when you can’t get the hotter chick who rejected you.

Do not feel bad. I love my kids and my life has changed drastically to meet their needs/ make them happy. But my social and sex life have DIED bc my spouse and I get next to no help from family and friends, babysitters are expensive and good ones are hard to find. I would never tell my kids I regret them (I don’t)

Not gonna lie, the talking all day thing is fucking hard some days.

He’s a snowflake!

It’s not technically a hate attack because the alt right body has a way of “shutting the whole thing down”. Science deep thoights care of renowned scientist Todd Akin


Ok you are awesome. I love that point about feeling entitled to same jobs, snow machines. It’s totally true. I work my ass off in a major city and pushed to get an advanced degree. Do any if us have “jobs for life” anymore? Fuck no. This is the works we live in.


Truth. It’s like decades of misogynistic rage for the cheerleader who wouldn’t fuck them in high school.

I’m as feminist as they come so I can see a bias towards sons, but as a legit question, could it be a simple case of “I feel more comfortable with my own gender”? Men may have had less experience growing up ‘caring’ for babies (not saying in all cases but in some) or may simply be more afraid of babies for whatever

Ok that is fucked up on so many levels, my brain cannot even get my head around it. But mostly now I’m steaming b/c those poor girls did not benefit from the benefits of the breastmilk. As an aside, I’ve had a girl now I’m pregnant with a boy. I could not get my daughter to latch so I PUMPED FOR SIX MONTHS so my kid

And Bristol Palin. Wait, make that all the Palins.