
I love that 'getting rejected by a 6' line - my response to that would always be - well hells yeah you did. What does that say about your douche-y personality that women way uglier than you are rejecting you when you are Ashton Kutcher hot AND have made 32k since JUNE? Dick.

amen, sistah

This sounds like Long Island City dogs/baby wars, except way too many of the dog owners are all fucking assholes who blatantly ignore rules/laws/signs like "No dogs over here" or "No dogs off leashes" or "Curb your dog". There's a huge diff between kids and dogs and the main one is most parents won't let their kids

you are my spirit animal

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yes but your humor should be passed on to the next generation, so please, carry on.

Exactly. Yet, maybe, their shit truly just doesn't stink??? Also, I'd love any of these people to change their kids on a filthy restaurant floor when you have a grabby toddler who would be trying to pick used toilet paper off the floor or slap their hands (which go right back in their mouths) on those floors that

You know who has changing tables? Fucking airplanes. If you can fit one in those mutherf's you can fit one in any NYC bathroom. It's a cost the restaurant does not want to bear, so maybe they should make that investment if they are SOOOOO worried about their patrons who will die at the mere exposure to poop.

YES YES YES. People in bathrooms are animals who piss everywhere. So you want me to lay my kid down in your piss, and I'M THE ASSHOLE? Yeah....



that's fab till you ever need to travel and have to eat out when you don't have a car OR a kitchen to go back to. Try again, angry!

I don't think I'm infatuated with myself at all. I don't 'waltz' into businesses ready to smear kid feces. Sometimes people with kids need to eat out - sometimes they don't have cars to go back to to change a kid (anyone living in an urban area like NYC). Hypothetically, I have to travel with my kid for some reason -

so you have kids and have dined alone with them. what did you do when your kid needed a diaper change? For someone to offer such sage advice as "get your shit together" please enlighten me with your wisdom, as long as it doesn't involve me changing a baby on a bathroom FLOOR which is even more disgusting than changing

So if you are at a table with a baby and a few other kids, there's no changing table, what are you exactly supposed to do? Just curious.

You win the Internets today

Because most fashion designers are lazy and not really talented. To create something that's flattering on a variety of shapes and sizes is much more difficult and requires real knowledge of how things like stitching and runching is done. Most designers want skeletal coat hangers (AKA models) to drape their fabric on.

This is funny until you realise the place she's suing will have to pay for the legal costs of this BS. Then shit gets real.

if a guy is really good in bed, chances are he won't get turned down so much. Most women actually like sex a lot if the guy does it right. I mean, really is attentive to her needs, which likely this guy isn't bc if he was, he'd be having a frank yet diplomatic conversation w her about the root cause of their lack of

I respect their stance - IN THEORY - about raising their kids to learn about the world and not just follow the sheep. But kids that little will not 'get it', but also they need vaccines and other consistent medical review - and also, nice to have places they can safely crawl, walk and explore. You can't really do that