
What makes me mad about reading these stories of brace women who had to go through sheer insanity to give or offer safe abortions is the fact that there are so many women today who threaten this hard earned freedom. I have a religious former friend who defriended me for my very outspoken stance of choice and support


Raging shithawk? You. You I like.

Yes! All of this. Also how about a modicum of personal responsibility? Already has a daughter who preaches abstinence before marriage while having two kids out of wedlock now a violent son who may need help but her own damn party consistently votes against paying for benefits for vets!!? Insane lack of self awareness.

Yes because there's no sexism in science.

Good! Bc even if his intentions are 100% if you are dependent on him and he died or gets MS or something ...you want to know you are still viable.

I once had a friend who just did not want to work, she wanted to be taken care of by a husband like she was a child. I used to tell her to at least get educated about the joint finances just in case he died unexpectedly or left her.I asked her what would happen if he left or died? She actually said “well my parents

I do feel people are starting to take advantage. One I read recently had a kid who got sick like five days prior to the gofundme campaign and already the parent was “out of work” to deal either the kids illness. The timing was just a wee bit too short for it to seem legit. Don't get me wrong I feel terrible when

I have had guys my age marry women in their early 20s - some wanted girls with less/no sexual experience (no joke!), or the guy insisted the woman was “every bit as mature as our age". Flash forward ten years those morons were all divorced bc the gal never had time to sow her wild oats and/or felt she was such a catch

Also if they had friends their age to do these things with. I know a guy who married oretty much bc all his friends had.

Yes. To all of this. Yes.

Here here

Yes!! I once had a balding, unattractive (inside and out) barely employed guy say women 25 and under held all the “power” bc they could choose any sexual partner from any age group whereas men had to take what they could get until they got older and had more money. He proceeded to say women’s worth declines with age

I dated in NYC for 12+ years. The sense of entitlement, rudeness and overall disrespect of smart, cultured, stable professional women like myself was overwhelming. I’m no supermodel but I’d def say I am better than average looking and in decent shape. And my self worth plummeted in NYC until I started dating out of