
I heart the shit out of you

I don't get these - they are like binder clips for your duvet?? You say duvet binder lips are ok and top sheets are the devil?

You are my spirit animal

I’m also married to a British man. I can tolerate uncircumcised men but no top sheets? He’d be out.

Van down by the river reference?! I absolutely love the shit out of you

I have no allergies but I second your post.

I love animals- I do. But fuck your pets right to fly over any kid with an allergy. (LEGIT service animals excluded). I’m sick to the teeth if this “my dog is my baby" bullshit.

The problem is there are way too many brainwashed women (and to a lesser degree other minorities like blacks, gays etc) who vote AGAINST THEIR OWN INTERESTS. Usually Jesus is invoked as a reason.

Football: even those who don't make it get a pass on all things rapey.

That woman who commented- why the FUCK would she support a man who patronizes her like that?? Honestly sometimes women are truly their own worst enemy. Listen to the words these douchebags speak! They aren’t on your side, lady!

Here’s the issue though - I spoke up in class (while female) and basically didn’t give a toss what the boys thought. It rarely ended well for me on the peer or professor level. I was deemed too pushy, bossy, aggressive etc. many times a dude would say same thing right after and it would get acknowledged. So there's no

Maybe she wants to meet boys? (Kidding!!!)

Oh honey no. Just no. As an older female, let me tell you how you may not have seen the past 25 years of Hillary (and other women of her generation) be squashed by the system. She doesn’t have the latitude to show up like Bernie with his crazy hair and sloppy look ranting about revolution. Because women aren’t allowed

She was also against paid maternity leave. Who the fuck was she fighting for if not the rich bloated companies?!

I mean this in a totally not creepy way: I hope someday I can meet you IRL. Whoever you are. Because anyone who responds like that is my spirit animal.

Holy shit I had no idea. I was team HRC anyway but thank you for the additional fodder.

Best. GIF. Ever.

This site is the 2016 cyber version Of the KKK- hides cowardly under hoods, fearful of change, of equality, of fairness - because they feel the only way they can be in control is to dominate and manipulate by any means necessary. Also need to travel in groups- because by themselves they are weak, crazy angry immature

Induced labor before viability - sounds like a fucking abortion to me. I want to feel badly for anyone who goes through this but when you have that choice and deny that choice (typically to poorer less white folk) to others - my sympathy is quite muted for that person.