
Totally read that headline as "Raul Julia's Daughter on love, laughter, and eating human flesh"

How can the same thing happen to the same guys another 24 times?

Somewhere, the guy who wrote this episode is wondering why they cut the part about the mission commander being "two days from retirement."

One of Gov. McCrory's ads in NC attacks AG Cooper for
opposing the voter ID law and "helping Hillary Clinton". Which to me, is an admission by McCrory that the law was designed to stop a certain section of the population from voting. I wish stuff like this would get picked up by the news. I know its not about

I liked the dumbing down of the hack. Specifically everyone's relief that the files were still on the server, as if the files were a physical thing and that since they were still on the server, they hadn't been taken/accessed. They just shrugged it off. Meanwhile, I panic and run Malwarebytes if I so much as get a

Calling for a ban on "anchors cutting up during the morning news" being included in blooper reels. Imagine the embarrassment the jackass in the donut's wife must feel when she sees that.

He's been blacklisted as of 1995, Obama killed Khan, and Trump could (can?) stop 9/11.

Hoping to get enough Disqus followers to start a Vine show and eventually land a sweet Netflix deal. Paying my dues.

The shot of MacGyver resting his arm on the propeller of a plane to be replaced with one of him leaning on a hovering drone.

Wish we could've gotten David Morse's opinion of Richard Masur's Mr. Boogedy/Bride of Boogedy.

Posted about this earlier, but for some reason my posts are being held in moderation.

Crackpot theory:

Not to my taste.

Lee Horsley as Bruce Willis
Charles Robinson as Morgan Freeman
Harry Anderson as John Malkovich
Judith Light as Helen Mirren
Lori Loughlin as Mary-Louise Parker
William Daniels as Anthony Hopkins

Felt really bad for Mike. I didn't care if he won, I just didn't want the guy to embarrass himself.

Will Joel Zwick be back to direct? Full House without Joel Zwick is like Twin Peaks without key grip Irv Katz.

Did they get Tom Jones to do an parody of Sex Bomb for the theme? He'd literally just have to say "box" instead of "bomb".

So say in Argentina, and Rand McNally, all their water goes backwards?

Hah, I was about to make the same comparison. Murder She Wrote is infinitely more entertaining if you pretend Jessica Fletcher is portrayed by Paul McCartney in a wig.