Why are you dumb?
Why are you dumb?
The concept of being “Christian” as one organizational body does not and did not exist during the united states’ formation.
Check your history. Read the constitution. Nowhere in there does it mention anything about God, Christ or any intention to found a Christian nation. You will find things in there like “
In your experience what was the easiest race car you designed?
It’s the flag of fighting for slavery. That’s it. Stop pretending it’s not.
Hybrid’s, brought on by the auto companies themselves.
The hell are you on about? This track is in California not South Carolina. Not only that, it’s only 20 miles north of San Francisco, the far Left LBGT heart of this country. If anything, the low attendance is more about Ca.’s love/hate relationship with cars than NASCAR’s stance on a stupid flag.
That’s insane. Did the dealership serve this person booze? Do they need to give a breathalizer before loaning a car now? Lots of people are good at hiding being drunk. I’m not usually a slippery slope guy but this is one of those.
Official That Guy™ post. “It won’t change anything so why bother?”
I hate it when people rail against positive change because it doesn’t solve all our problems at once. It’s just picking something easy to feel clever about stating the obvious about.
Aren’t the Isle of Man and Circuit De La Sarthe public roads when not being used for racing?
Someone want to explain to me how that would work, besides one or maybe two days a year where many hundreds or even thousands of people would be displaced outside of their own personal will?
The method of killing makes a difference??
I’m sure the dead appreciate the difference.
I don’t see this as being shady on Ford’s end. IIHS making some not-so-great assumptions to reduce tested vehicles. Not testing different trim levels is one thing, but I don’t understand why they thought they could claim similarity on a cab that’s visibly different from 30 ft away.
Please be on the lookout for my industry-shattering article about how some convertible models have additional frame bracing.
Breaking news: longer trucks have longer frames.
the truck is so enormous that you can’t see if there’s another equally massive truck heading the other way
Why should Ford use a V8 when advancing technology allows equal performance and better efficiency from a V6, which is also lighter? For a racing application, seems like a no-brainer.